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老歌亂談(518)Don't Bring Me Down

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60年代中期,英國樂團開始大舉入侵美國,而包含The Beatles、The Kicks等樂團多是演唱自己的歌,The Animals的製作人Mickie Most也為此向進駐在紐約著名的音樂大樓---「Brill Building」中的寫歌者尋求歌曲,此首《Don't Bring Me Down》即為當時已聲名大噪的音樂才女Carole King和她的夫婿Gerry Goffin的作品。

而當錄製這首歌時,The Animals的製作人已換成了Tom Wilson,他給予樂團較大的空間,讓團員們在編曲上自由發揮,故此首《Don't Bring Me Down》是以團員們的想法來錄製完成。歌曲於1966推出後即成為熱門曲,在英國排行榜獲得第6名,另在美國告示牌也有第12名的佳績。

其實在這首歌之前,The Animals的另一首有關搖滾歷史的意識流歌曲《Story of Bo Diddley》/ 1964,歌詞中對也是由Goffin & King所寫的歌曲《Take Good Care of My Baby》有所嘲諷之意,再加上此曲經The Animals編曲後,完全偏離了Goffin & King當時的曲風。這些舉措應該已讓Goffin & King感覺很不爽,但The Animals卻完全不自知。

主唱Eric Burdon後來告訴音樂媒體,他其實之前並不清楚這是Goffin & King的歌,直到有一天在比佛利山莊某醫生的診間,Carole King走進來坐在他旁邊的位子,他並不知她是誰,故仍自顧看著雜誌。此時Carole King轉過來對著他說『You know, I hated what you did to my song.』,Eric Burdon一時不知如何應答,只好說『well, sorry.』。接著Carole King站起來走向看診室並回過頭來說『but I got used to it.』。

此曲有多首歌名相同但內容不同的同名曲,像Electric Light Orchestra在1979推出的《Don't Bring Me Down》,已在「亂談--462」介紹過了。

超級樂隊Traveling Wilburys的成員Tom Petty,和他的樂團The Heartbreakers的翻唱版本也不錯聽,就一併貼上了。

When you complain and, and criticize
I feel I'm nothing in your eyes
It makes me feel like giving up
Because my best just ain't good enough
Girl, I want to provide for you
And do all the things that you want me to, but
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down
I'm beggin' you darlin'
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down

Sacrifices, I will make
I'm ready to give, as well as take
One thing I need is your respect
One thing I can't take is your neglect
More than anything, I need your love
Then troubles are easy to rise above
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down

You complain and criticize
I feel I'm nothing in your eyes
It makes me feel like giving up
Because my best just ain't good enough
Girl, I want to provide for you
Do all the things that you want me to, but
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'm beggin', oh no, don't bring me down
Oh, no no, baby
Please, oh no, no don't bring me down

I need your tender lovin'
So please don't bring me down
Oh, baby, baby, baby don't hurt me
Don't bring me down
Oh no, please don't bring me down

台長: 流浪阿狗
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