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老歌亂談(778)If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body

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美國流行及鄉村雙人團體Bellamy Brothers,是由Howard及David兩兄弟於1968所組成,之後赴Atlanta唱了一陣子,感覺沒什麼搞頭,就又回到了家鄉佛羅里達的San Antonio。

兄弟倆好運的開始,是因弟弟David和歌手朋友Jim Stafford合寫了一首《Spiders & Snakes》,此曲竟然於1974在告示牌熱門榜得到了第3名,唱片的銷售也超過了百萬張。這對Stafford來說,當然是名利雙收,而David也有版權費的進帳,此讓兄弟倆有能力在Stafford的製作人的邀約建議下,同赴洛杉磯發展。

兩兄弟在1975簽進了Crub唱片公司,而僅David獲得了出單曲的機會 ( Howard時任Stafford作秀時的場務經理 ),可惜該首單曲並不成功。不過,在錄製歌曲時,認識了錄音室的特約樂手Dennis St. John,這位John老兄當時是Neil Diamond專屬樂隊的鼓手,某日至David住處,推薦由Neil Diamond的場務工作人員所寫的《Let Your Love Flow》,認為這首歌適合他們唱。果然,《Let Your Love Flow》於1976衝上了排行榜的冠軍,也成為國際熱門曲,自此開啟了Bellamy Brothers的歌唱事業之路。

好事未必連連,自1976的《Let Your Love Flow》成功之後,似乎又沈寂了下來。至1979,才又有這首由David Bellamy所寫的《If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me》,獲得鄉村榜的冠軍。進入80年代後,可說是Bellamy Brothers最風光的時期,打進鄉村排行榜前10名的歌曲就有22首,其中9首為冠軍曲。

2005,Bellamy Brothers和Dolly Parton又重錄了此首《If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me》,雖然只獲得鄉村榜第60名,卻應該是Bellamy Brothers的一貼振奮劑,因為自1994年的一首《Not》之後,兩兄弟已有逾十年之久未再嚐「入榜」的滋味了。

再來聽一首Bellamy Brothers的1985冠軍曲I Need More Of You

《If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me》
If I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
If I swore you were an angel
Would you treat me like the devil tonight?
If I was dying of thirst
Would your flowing love come quench me?
If I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
Now we could talk all night about the weather
Or I could tell you about my friends out on coast
I could ask a lot of crazy questions
(Well, I'm used to a lot of crazy questions)
Or ask you what I really want to know
(Well, here's what I want to know)
If I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
If I swore you were an angel
Would you love me like the devil tonight?
I might, I might
If I was dying of thirst
Would your flowing love come quench me?
If I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
Rain can fall so soft against the window
And the sun can shine so bright up in the sky
But Daddy always told me, "Don't make small talk"
(I'd have liked your daddy)
He said, "Come on out and say what's on your mind"
(My philosophy exactly)
So if I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
If I swore you were an angel
Would you love me like the devil tonight?
I might
If I was dying of thirst
Would your flowing love come quench me?
If I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
Oh, if I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?
Oh, if I swore you were an angel
Would you love me like the devil tonight?
Well, I just might
If I was dying of thirst
Would your flowing love come quench me?
(Hey, it's worth a shot, ain't it?)
If I said you have a beautiful body
Would you hold it against me?

《I Need More Of You》
Hearts burning, like they were on fire
Flames changing my love to desire
Babe, my heart is screaming to say
Girl, we got to go all the way

I need more of you, changing my rain into sun
More of you, putting my blues on the run
I need more of you, darling, I need more of you
More, anything less wouldn't do

We, ain't been together too long
Strange, how did our love get so strong
There's nothing to keep us apart
We've got to catch up to our hearts

I need more of you, changing my rain into sun
More of you, putting my blues on the run
I need more of you, darling, I need more of you
More, anything less wouldn't do

I need more of you, changing my rain into sun
More of you, putting my blues on the run
I need more of you, darling, I need more of you
More, anything less wouldn't do

台長: 流浪阿狗
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