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老歌亂談(945)I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Hank Williams所寫,並於1949作為另首《My Bucket's Got a Hole in It》的B面發行,如此安排的理由是認為A面的歌節奏較快,會比此首憂傷的曲風在點唱機的點唱率上來得討喜。

Hank Williams第一段婚姻的後期可說是在吵吵鬧鬧中渡過,為了抒發此種情緒,在他多首的歌曲中可窺見端倪。有人或認為Hank刻意將一些高雅饒富詩意的句子置入歌詞,像是:Did you ever see a robin weep, when leaves begin to die? ( 你曾見過知更鳥啜泣,當樹葉開始步入死亡?),但他的朋友及音樂夥伴相信他是意有所指。此曲在滾石雜誌歷來500最佳歌曲中排名第111,不僅是此名單中年代第2久遠的歌曲,也是40年代唯二歌曲的其一。

有不少的歌手翻唱此曲,像是:Johnny Cash、Ray Charles、Dean Martin、Freddy Fender、Bob Dylan、Little Richard及 Elvis Presley等等,而之中以B.J. Thomas的成績最佳,獲得告示牌流行榜的第8名。

加拿大女歌手兼詞曲作家K.D. Lang --- I think《I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry》is one of the most classic American songs ever written, truly. Beautiful song.

美國歌手Bob Dylan --- ……,I didn't have to experience anything that Hank did to know what he was singing about. I'd never heard a robin weep, but could imagine it and it made me sad.

美國鄉村歌手Vince Gill --- Read the words of that song. That's as beautiful as you'll ever want to hear the English language put out.


亂談(306)Diamond And Rust

在旅館中自彈自唱,知更鳥後也出現在Joan Baez《Diamond And Rust》的歌詞中,不知是否是受了此曲的影響。

貓王在演唱此曲前介紹 --- I'd like to sing a song that's... probably the saddest song I've ever heard.而歌詞與原唱略有不同。

Hear that lonesome whippoorwill
He sounds too blue to fly
The midnight train is whining low
I'm so lonesome I could cry

I've never seen a night so long
When time goes crawling by
The moon just went behind the clouds
To hide its face and cry

Did you ever see a robin weep
When leaves begin to die
That means he's lost the will to live
I'm so lonesome I could cry

The silence of a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry

台長: 流浪阿狗
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