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2016-10-09 10:07:25| 人氣2,156| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(631)Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk

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成立於1967的美國樂團Dr. Hook & The Medicine ( 1975簡化團名為Dr. Hook ),由其團名及主唱Ray Swayer戴眼罩的造型,即可感受到是個有些「搞怪」的樂團,事實上也是如此,該團喜歡唱些幽默及新奇的歌曲,但並未使得Dr. Hook因此受到冷落,反而在70年代,幾乎年年都有入榜歌曲,成績算是穩定亮眼。之前曾介紹過該團的《Sylvia's Mother》、《The Ballad of Lucy Jordan》及《When You're in Love with a Beautiful Woman》,此首《Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk》為1982發行的單曲,成績也不差,獲得美國排行榜第25名。

看資料,牛仔褲是由巴伐利亞裔的美國人李唯‧史特勞斯 ( Levis Strauss ) 於1853所發明。這位老兄真偉大,牛仔褲一直風行至今,而且全世界除了貧窮國家,無論男女老少,幾乎每人都擁有一件以上。

台灣剛開始流行牛仔褲時,大概只有Lee牌和蘋果牌 ( texwood ) ,Lee牌不太好穿,通常褲管太長要捲起來 ( 因布太厚,當年幾乎沒有地方可以改短 )。texwood則布較薄且貼身褲型美,深藍色的更是耀眼 ,但此牌好像沒幾年就從台灣的市面上消失。後來則是一堆的Bigstone,其實Bigstone也很不錯,而現今連Bigstone都一褲難求了。



Night falls on the city, baby feels the beat
Slick and sexy angel of the street
The queen of all the night birds watch her when she walks
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
You know what she's thinking about and it turns you inside out
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Night time in the city, magic in the air
The action starts at midnight, she'll be there
The queen of all the night birds, a player in the dark
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
You know what she's thinking about and it turns you inside out
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
You know what she's thinking about and it turns you inside out
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk
She won't say nothing
She don't say nothing...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(632)Love Hurts

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