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老歌亂談(250)Day Tripper

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1965年,為了要因應聖誕節的市場,披頭合唱團在壓力下創作完成了這首《Day Tripper》。說是共同合寫,但Paul McCartney卻抱怨說,其實歌曲的音樂及歌詞,大部份都是依照John Lennon的想法。而John Lennon也不諱言,歌曲中非常著名的吉他重復小段音符,其靈感是來自於Bobby Parker 1961的歌曲《Watch Your Step》。

Day Tripper---當日來回的旅行者?這首歌其實和迷幻藥有關,也是John Lennon非常典型玩弄文字遊戲的一首歌曲。他說:
『Day trippers are people who go on a day trip,right? Usually on a ferryboat or Something. But (the song) was kind of ... you're just a weekend hippie. Get it』


1966,Paul McCartney告訴英國的「Melody Maker」週報,這首《Day Tripper》和《Drive My Car》,同樣都只是半開玩笑的趣味之作。



Got a good reason for taking the easy way out
Got a good reason for taking the easy way out now
找一個好的理由 輕鬆的出口
現在就找一個好的理由 輕鬆的出口

She was a day tripper, a one way ticket yea
It took me so long to find out, and I found out
她是一個白天的旅行者 一張單程的車票
我找了很久 我終於發現
She's a big teaser, she took me half the way there
She's a big teaser, she took me half the way there now
她是一個戲弄人的傢伙 她只把我帶到了半路
她是一個戲弄人的傢伙 她現在只把我帶到了半路
Tried to please her, she only played one night stands
Tried to please her, she only played one night stands now
試著去取悅她 她僅僅只停留一晚 (她只是玩弄一夜情)
試著去取悅她 現在她僅僅只停留一晚 (她只是玩弄一夜情)

She was a day tripper, a Sunday driver yea
Took me so long to find out, and I found out
她使是一個屬於白天的旅行者 一個屬於週末的司機
讓我花了如此長的時間去發現 我終於發現
Day tripper
Day tripper yea


台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(251)I Started A Joke

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