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2016-06-08 05:03:56| 人氣1,721| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(586)My Toot Toot

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此首《My Toot Toot》即是Zydeco音樂,是美國歌手Rockin' Sidney自寫自唱,收錄在其第三張專輯《My Zydeco Shoes Got the Zydeco Blues》中的歌曲。Rockin' Sidney出身自Creole族群 ( 為路易斯安那洲出生的法國後裔,在人種上為歐洲人與印地安人、非洲人的混血。),對Zydeco音樂自是駕輕就熟。Rockin' Sidney接觸音樂的時間甚早,18歲 ( 1957 ) 時就出了第一張唱片,但在音樂事業上並無什大進展,也不過就是有幾首地區性的熱門流行曲而已。直到1984此曲推出,雖然在鄉村排行榜只獲得第19名,卻大受市場的歡迎,除獲頒了銷售百萬張的「白金唱片」,亦在1985替他贏得了一座葛萊美獎。自此電視節目及作秀邀約不斷,名利雙收。

至於歌名「Toot Toot」的意思,就算是查了字典,恐怕還是會弄不太清楚。有人說此曲和毒品、性有關,也有人認為指的是他的愛車或是愛人等等。據說Toot Toot是法裔印地安人 ( French Cajun ) 的俚語,意思為「Sweet Heart」。綜觀全曲歌詞,或許其中有人說得對,「My Toot Toot」指的是他的女兒。

John Fogerty的翻唱版

Don't mess with my toot toot, don't mess with my toot toot,
Well you can have the other woman, but don't mess with my toot toot.
She was born in her birth suit, the doctor slap her behind, (SLAP!)
Say you're gonna to be special, you sweet little toot toot.
Well you can look as much, but if you much as touch,
You're gonna have yourself a case - I'm gonna break your face!


Oh toot, hey!
Whoa, Mama was the same way too, all the fellas didn't know what to do,
And Papa never had a chance, with a sweet little toot toot.

She was born in her birth suit, the doctor slap her behind, (SLAP!)
Said you're gonna to be special, you sweet little toot toot.


台長: 流浪阿狗
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