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老歌亂談(212)Get Ready

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這首《Get Ready》是一位叫Smokey Robinson的所寫,而這位老兄又何許人也?他之前是摩城 ( Motown ) 唱片公司旗下的合唱團體The Miracles的一員,看來他對寫歌有個兩下子,先前和人合寫的一首《My Girl》,給同公司的The Temptations ( 誘惑合唱團 ) 錄製發行,在1965一舉奪得了排行榜的冠軍。這次的這首《Get Ready》依然交由The Temptations來擔綱。但老闆有言在先,若是未能打進排行榜前20名,則該團之後推出的歌曲,將交由另一位唱片製作人來執行。結果,這首歌只拿到了第29名,作為The Temptations唱片製作人的位子當然是丟了。更諷刺和情何以堪的是,這首歌最後在1970終於衝到了排行榜的第4名,而卻是由Rare Earth樂隊的翻唱版本所拿下。

Motown 唱片公司為了促銷旗下的白人藝人和團體,特意成立了另一家唱片公司Rare Earth Record,而Rare Earth這個全白人樂隊就是刻意取和公司相同的名字。簽約之後,還經常有在酒吧及俱樂部演唱,當然也常唱公司的這首歌---《Get Ready》。有趣的來了,剛開始時是有人在歌中加了一段自己的獨奏表演,一看觀眾的反應不錯,每個人都要求來上一段,結果這首歌的時間就被搞成了21分鐘。

Rare Earth樂隊希望將這首《Get Ready》作為他們第一首發行的單曲,而公司屬意的則是另外一首,在 Rare Earth 的堅持之下公司退讓,但將之剪輯為3分鐘長度的單曲發行。沒想到推出之後造成轟動,趕緊再發行同名專輯,並將完整的21分鐘版放在專輯的其中一整面。



Never met a girl could make me feel the way that you do
(You're all right)
Whenever I'm asked what makes a my dreams real
I tell 'em you do
(You're outta sight)
Well tweedle dee, tweedle dum
Look out baby 'cause here I come
I'm bringin' you a love that's true, get ready
(Get ready, get ready)
I'll stop makin' love to you, get ready
(Get ready, get ready)
Ohh don't you know I'm comin'?
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
On my way
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
You wanna play hide and seek with love, let me remind ya
(You're all right)
Lovin' you're gonna miss, and the time it takes to find ya
(You're outta sight)
Well fe fi fo fo fum, look out baby now here I come
I'm bringin' you a love that's true, aw get ready
(Oh get ready, get ready)
I'll stop makin' love to you, get ready
(Get ready, get ready)
Don't you know I'm comin'?
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
On my way
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
If all of my friends shouldn't want me to, I think I'll understand
(You're alright)
Hope I get to you before they do 'cause, that's how I planned it
(You're outta sight)
Well tweedley dee, now tweedley dum, look out baby now here I come
I'm bringin' you a love that's true, get ready
(Get ready, get ready)
I'll stop makin' love to you, get ready
(Get ready, get ready)
Aw don't you know I'm comin'?
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
On my way
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
Get ready
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)
Get ready
(Get ready, 'cause here I come)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(213)The Sound of Silence
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(211)Drive My Car



2013-12-31 20:54:08

還是妳最好 → 「久旱逢甘雨」。(但我們很怕下雨咧!呵呵呵呵!)

2013-12-31 21:08:16
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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