此曲為加拿大歌手Randy Bachman ( 其曾為知名樂團The Guess Who的創始團員及主奏吉他手,於1970離團。 ) 所寫,並由其所屬的Bachman-Turner Overdrive樂團 ( 俗稱BTO ) 錄唱發行。
對Randy Bachman來說有些尷尬,這首歌原本只是寫來開他兄弟Gary玩笑的隨興之作,因為Gary有些語言上的障礙,所以Randy 在歌曲中故意用了些「口吃」的唱法。且Randy 也從未意圖要發表此曲,只將之當成在錄音室的「Work Song」,用來測試麥克風及樂器的音量。
1974,Bachman-Turner Overdrive準備要推出第3張專輯《Not Fragile》,但唱片公司老闆Charlie Fach在聽完將要發行的8首歌後都不甚滿意,此時錄音工程師建議,何不唱那首「Work Song」來試試?沒想到老闆聽完後非常喜歡,指定要將此曲納入專輯,並保持「口吃版」的原貌。
專輯推出後,獲得加拿大排行榜的冠軍,單曲《You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet》亦奪下美國告示牌排行榜的第1名 ( UK #2 ),但這也是BTO唯一的一首冠軍曲。
其實,歌名You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet ( 你還沒見識過?) 有口語上的錯誤 ---「雙重否定」,而或許有人就是喜歡這樣說。歌詞中「She took me to her doctor and he told me of a cure」,讓人聯想到這位老兄是否得了疱疹或是其它的性病?後來有人問Randy Bachman是否此意,只說歌詞是即興隨便寫的,當時也沒認為這首歌會發表。
I met a devil woman
She took my heart away
She said, I've had it comin' to me
But I wanted it that way
I think that any love is good lovin'
So I took what I could get, mmh
Oooh, oooh she looked at me with big brown eyes
And said,
You ain't seen nothin' yet
B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
Here's something that you never gonna forget
B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
Nothin' yet, you ain't been around
That's what they told me
And now I'm feelin' better
'Cause I found out for sure
She took me to her doctor
And he told me of a cure
He said that any love is good love
So I took what I could get
Yes, I took what I could get
And then she looked at me with them big brown eyes
And said,
You ain't seen nothin' yet
B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
Here's something, here's something your never gonna forget, baby
You know, you know, you know you just ain't seen nothin' yet
You need educatin'
You got to got to school
Any love is good lovin'
So I took what I could get
Yes, I took what I could get
And then, and then, and then
She looked at me with them big brown eyes
And said,
You ain't seen nothin' yet
Baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
Here's something, here's something
Here's something that your never gonna forget, baby
Baby, baby, baby you ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
You ain't been around
You ain't seen nothin' yet
That's what she told me
She said, I needed educatin', go to school
I know I ain't seen nothin' yet
I know I ain't seen nothin' yet
Got something for you right now
Feels good, alright, how do you do that?
But I ain't seen nothin' yet
I deserve it one of these days
Woohoo, but I ain't seen nothin' yet
I ain't seen nothin' yet
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait
If you want to show me what I ain't seen, where I ain't been