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老歌亂談(428)Band On The Run

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60年代中期,披頭合唱團的Paul McCartney第一次接觸大麻 ( marijuana ),竟然是Bob Dylan所引介的。當時的社會環境,迷幻藥LSD尚仍為合法,所以包含倡導愛與和平的嬉皮,以及認為要提高心靈層次的迷幻搖滾樂團成員,幾乎人人嗑藥。在Paul McCartney的心中,一直不認為吸食大麻有多麼的嚴重,對呼麻者被等同視為罪犯,甚不以為然,這也是他寫這首《Band On The Run》的原始動機。( 註:McCartney後於1984在美國因持有大麻被逮捕並罰款200美元,返回英國後他表示:蘭姆酒、威士忌、尼古丁和強力膠這些比大麻有害得多,但卻完全的合法化,我不認為我有做任何對其他人有害的事………。1997,McCartney公開支持大麻合法化,他說:『People are smoking pot anyway and to make them criminals is wrong.』)

Paul McCartney於1970離開披頭合唱團後另組樂團---Wings,這首《Band On The Run》是Paul McCartney and Wings於1973發行專輯中的同名單曲。當時要錄這張專輯是選在EMI唱片公司位於奈及利亞的大城拉哥斯 ( Lagos ) 的錄音室。在出發前因團員間意見不合,故主奏吉他手和鼓手未同行,僅剩McCartney和老婆Linda ( 合音及鍵盤手 ) 及旋律吉他手三人。那錄音時的伴奏怎麼辦?沒問題,主奏吉他和鼓的部份都是由McCartney自己包辦 ( 分錄合成 )。

Paul & Linda McCartney




Stuck inside these four walls,
Sent inside forever,
Never seeing no one
Nice again like you,
Mama you, mama you.

If I ever get out of here,
Thought of giving it all away
To a registered charity.
All I need is a pint a day
If I ever get outta here
If we ever get outta of here

Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash
As we fell into the sun,
And the first one said to the second one there
I hope you're having fun.

Band on the run, band on the run.
And the jailer man and sailor Sam
Were searching every one
For the band on the run,
Band on the run
Band on the run,
Band on the run.

Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh
Seeing no one else had come,
And a bell was ringing in the village square
For the rabbits on the run.

Band on the run,
Band on the run.
And the jailer man and sailor Sam
Were searching every one
For the band on the run,
Band on the run

Yeah the band on the run,
Band on the run
Band on the run
Band on the run

Well, the night was falling as the desert world
Began to settle down.
In the town they're searching for us everywhere
But we never will be found.

Band on the run,
Band on the run.
And the county judge who held a grudge
Will search for evermore
For the band on the run,
Band on the run
Band on the run
Band on the run

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(427)Games People Play

站長大哥好! 我車上有這張 CD,一擺就4-5年了. 不知為什麼 LP封面會有 James Coburn? 查Wiki James Coburn(1928~2002)演過豪勇七蛟龍,第三集中營,諜報飛龍....等賣座影片. 69濊時得到最佳配角獎,如同 Jack Palance(1919~2006) 1991 72歲時才得到最佳配角,還在台上單手伏地挺身. 另外 Bruce Dern (1936~ ) 2013 77歲也得最佳配角. Bruse Dern 有很好的政治家世,早年以希區考克 北西北進入影壇,但是演什麼角色早就忘脫了.......謝謝文章!
2015-04-15 15:12:03
James Coburn演《豪勇七蛟龍》時尚不屬「大牌」,在戲中被人挑釁決鬥,結果以反手飛刀贏了對方拔槍,真是經典酷到不行。後來演《諜報飛龍》就已是挑大樑的主角了。

這張專輯的封面,除了Wings的三位成員,其餘六人都是「名人」,其中還有位是拳擊手。應該是有某些交情而被邀約去協助拍攝 ( James Coburn當時也正巧人在英國 ),九人身著囚服,在獄警的探照燈下做逃獄狀,應該是想突顯社會還存有諸多不合理的法律約束,「大家」都想「逃」吧!^^
2015-04-15 16:24:09
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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