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老歌亂談(1086)Walk That Line

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美國鄉村女歌手Lacy J. Dalton自1978出道,發行過不少張的專輯及單曲,但打入排行榜前10名的,只有《Takin' It Easy》、《Crazy Blue Eyes》及《16th Avenue》這幾首;另,除了「鄉村音樂學院獎」外,並無得到其它什麼音樂大獎。Lacy的聲音被認為堅毅自信、充滿力量,People雜誌稱她為鄉村音樂的Bonnie Raitt,也有人說她是女版的Waylon Jennings,由這些比喻,足可說明Lacy的歌聲,是受到一定程度的肯定的。雖然自1990年後,Lacy再無入榜歌曲,但她仍繼續錄製專輯、現場演唱迄今。

1956,美國鄉村歌手Johnny Cash推出了一首《I Walk The Line》,講的是對愛情的堅貞、不會越線。此曲中的Line,應該也是有相似的意思,唯不同的是,歌曲中的女主角原本個性不羈,根本不理會世俗的那些規矩、束縛,但看來是找到了「真愛」,願意改變自己「照步來」,再重新出發。呵呵,愛情的力量真偉大!此曲收錄在Lacy 1989的專輯《Survivor》中。

Lacy J. Dalton曾與多位知名鄉村男歌手和唱,包含有Bobby Bare、Willie Nelson、Glen Campbell等,以下另貼Lacy與George Jones的合唱。

亂談(403)I Walk The Line / Johnny Cash



I never believe in the straight and narrow
Always took the rocky road
Spread my wings like a wayward sparrow
Where the wind blew i would go
I thought no one could ever tame me
No chance to hold me down
Put your love put my feet back on the ground
I wanna walk that line
True lovers do
Your hand in mine
Now i belong with you
I wanna join our hearts
With the ties that bind
And make a brand new start
I wanna walk that line
All my wild and crazy rambling
Those things that i live for
So easily abandoned
I dont need them anymore
With the tender touch that tamed me
I'll never be the same
Cause your love set my heart back home again
I wanna walk nthat line
True lovers do
Your hand in mine
Now i belong with you
I wanna join our hearts
With the ties that bind
And make a brand new start
I wanna walk that line
True lovers do
Your hand in mine
Now i belong with you
I wanna join our hearts
With the ties that bind
And make a brand new start
I wanna walk that line
And make a brand new start
I wanna walk that line

台長: 流浪阿狗
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