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2016-03-04 15:35:01| 人氣4,889| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(551)My Eyes Adored You

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美國流行樂團The Four Seasons在Motown唱片公司期間,於1973年底至1974年初,錄唱了8首歌,準備要出其在Motown的第二張專輯,但由於前一張專輯《Chameleon》的成績非常不理想,公司當然就採取了推拖策略。不久之後,樂團與公司分道揚鑣,主唱Frankie Valli欲將這些歌的版權買下,但由於金額過於龐大,最後是花了4000美元將其中的這首《My Eyes Adored You》買回。

Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

歌曲買回後當然是還想發行,但卻遭Capitol、Atlantic這些大公司的拒絕,最後找到一家Private Stock Records同意發行,而條件是只能由Frankie Valli個人掛名 ( 顯然當時的The Four Seasons是票房毒藥 )。此曲於1974年11月推出,至1975年3月爬升至熱門榜的冠軍,之後被另首《Lady Marmalade》給擠下,巧合的是,此兩首歌的作者均同為Bob Crewe & Kenny Nolan。

My Eyes Adored You或許可譯成「我用眼神愛慕妳」。講的是一段青澀純純的愛,不敢用手去觸碰,只能用眼神並偷偷地愛在心裡。這應該是許多人都有的經驗,雖然事隔多年或相距千萬哩,卻始終都無法忘懷。

My eyes adored ya
Though I never laid a hand on you
My eyes adored ya
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see how I adored ya
So close, so close and yet so far
Carried your books from school
Playin' "make-believe you're married to me"
You were fifth-grade, I was sixth
When we came to be
Walkin' home every day over Barnegat Bridge and Bay
Till we grew into the me and you
Who went our separate ways
Headed for city lights
Climbed the ladder up to fortune and fame
I worked my fingers to the bone
Made myself a name
Funny I seemed to find
That no matter how the years unwind
Still I reminisce 'bout the girl I miss
And the love I left behind
(My eyes adored ya)
All my life I will remember
(Though I never laid a hand on you)
How warm and tender we were way back then, whoa, whoa, baby
(Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see how I adored ya)
Oh, the feeling, sad regrets
(So close, so close and yet so far)
I know I won't ever forget ya, my childhood friend
(My eyes adored ya)
(Though I never laid a hand on you)
(My eyes adored ya)
(Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see how I adored ya)
So close, so close and yet so far

台長: 流浪阿狗
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2016-03-05 05:01:20
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