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老歌亂談(491)In The Midnight Hour

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當Wilson Pickett和Atlantic唱片公司簽約後,公司有意要壓壓他的銳氣,將他丟在曼菲斯的Stax Studio錄音室,由錄音室專屬樂隊的吉他手Steve Cropper招呼他。Steve Cropper並不知Wilson Pickett是何方神聖,就找了些福音歌曲給他唱,唱到了一個段落後,Wilson Pickett說:『I'll see my Jesus in the midnight hour! 』( 意思是再唱下去,半夜就可見到耶穌了。) Steve Cropper也因此句話得到了靈感,之後, 倆人在附近的汽車旅館 ( Lorraine Motel ) 共同完成了此首《In The Midnight Hour》( 1965 )。1968年,美國黑人人權領袖Martin Luther King, Jr. ( 馬丁‧路德‧金恩 ),也就是在這間Lorraine Motel遭到暗殺,而成為了歷史事件的紀念場所。

Martin Luther King, Jr.


《In The Midnight Hour》為Wilson Pickett的第一首暢銷曲,於1965獲得告示牌R & B排行榜的冠軍,在Hot 100排行榜則為 # 21。之後Wilson Pickett雖然還有其它幾首暢銷曲,像是《Mustang Sally》、《Land Of 1000 Dances》、《Funky Broadway》等,而此曲應該算是他最知名的代表作了。

Atlantic公司替Wilson Pickett取了個綽號「The Wicked ( 壞壞的?) Pickett」,也在這首歌發行後,以此綽號作為促銷。據說此綽號的由來是Wilson Pickett喜歡吹噓自己和女人在一起時有多麼的勇猛。而他也並沒有辜負這個綽號,1993曾因酒駕車禍被判刑坐牢一年,至2006死亡前也一直在和毒品纏鬥,最終享年64歲。

壞壞的 Pickett?

I'm gonna wait 'til the midnight hour
That's when my love comes tumbling down
I'm gonna wait 'til the midnight hour
When there's no one else around
I'm gonna take you girl and hold you
And do all things I told you in the midnight hour
Yes I am, yes I am
One more thing I just wanna say right here
I'm gonna wait till the stars come out
And see them twinkle in your eyes
I'm gonna wait 'till the midnight hour
That's when my love begins to shine
You're the only girl I know
That can really love me so in the midnight hour
Oh yeah, in the midnight hour
Yeah, alright, play it for me one time now
I'm gonna wait 'til the midnight hour
That's when my love comes tumbling down
I'm gonna wait, wait 'til the midnight hour
That's when my love begins to shine, just, you and I
Oh baby just, you and I
Nobody around baby, just, you and I, alright
You know what, I'm gonna hold you in my arms
Just, you and I, oh yeah in the midnight hour
Oh baby in the midnight hour

台長: 流浪阿狗
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