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2015-07-03 16:39:35| 人氣2,533| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(459)If This Is Goodbye

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此曲為Mark Knopfler與Emmylou Harris所合作的專輯《All The Roadrunning》中的最末一首。

Mark Knopfler是英國人,是Dire Straits ( 險峻海峽 ) 合唱團的靈魂人物,1995樂團解散後開始單飛,前後共得過4座葛萊美獎。也是知名的用手指撥弦彈奏的吉他大師,目前在「滾石雜誌」歷來100位最偉大的吉他手名單中排名第27。Emmylou Harris是美國人,年紀( 1947 ) 不僅較Knopfler大2歲,看來成就也超越他多多,共得過13座葛萊美獎。但我並不怎麼喜歡她的唱腔,覺得她之前唱歌的聲音都拉不太開。

《All The Roadrunning》專輯於2006推出後成績不凡,在丹麥和瑞士均奪得冠軍,挪威和瑞典則為第2,德國第3……,並於2007被提名葛萊美獎 ---「最佳民謠搖滾 / 美國專輯」,可惜敗給了Bob Dylan的《Modern Times》。

這首《If This Is Goodbye》的歌詞背景,是來自於911恐怖攻擊時,被困於世貿雙子星大樓的受難者,對親人所打的電話。人在自知將與他人永別之時,所說的最後一句話,應該都是「我愛你」、「下輩子再……」吧!

My famous last words
Are laying around in tatters
Sounding absurd whatever I try
But I love you and that's all that really matters
If this is good bye
If this is good bye
Your bright shining sun
Would light up the way before me
You were the one made me feel I could fly
And I love you whatever is waiting for me
If this is good bye
If this is good bye
Who knows how long we've got
Or what were made out of
Who knows if there's a plan or not
There is our love, I know there is our love
My famous last words could never tell the story
Spinning unheard in the dark of the sky
But I love you and this is our glory
If this is good bye
If this is good bye
If this is good bye
If this is good bye

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(460)Hurts So Good

2015-07-03 21:48:28
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