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2014-09-18 20:07:16| 人氣2,513| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(321)There Goes My Everything

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有許多人在失戀之後,感覺不只失去了情人,彷彿連自己其它所有的一切也都跟著一起消失。甚至在傷心絕望之下,對繼續活下去的理由也都起了疑慮 ( 錯誤的想法,此時應撥打生命專線1995 )。這首《There Goes My Everything》,大致就在述說著這樣的一個心情。

此曲為Dallas Frazier所寫,1966由Ferlin Husky首錄發行。而最知名的卻是也於同年由Jack Greene所推出的版本,在鄉村排行榜的冠軍位置停留了七週,並獲得美國鄉村音樂協會「年度最佳歌曲」等獎項。

這首歌也經多位知名歌星翻唱,包含像唱紅《Release Me》的Engelbert Humperdinck、貓王Elvis Presley、礦工的女兒Loretta Lynn等,但我還是最喜歡鄉村音樂第一夫人Tammy Wynette的版本,我覺得她的嗓音頗適合唱這種所謂的哀怨情歌。


I hear footsteps slowly walking
As they gently walk across a lonely floor
And a voice that's softly saying
Darling this will be goodbye for evermore
There goes my reason for living
There goes the one of my dreams
There goes my only possession
There goes my everything

As my memory turns back the pages
I can see the happy years we had before
And the love that kept this cold heart beating
Has been shattered by the closing of a door
There goes my reason for living
There goes the one of my dreams
There goes my only possession
There goes my everything

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(322)Surfin' U.S.A.

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