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老歌亂談(179)Time Won't Let Me

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來自俄亥俄州克里夫蘭的Tom King ( July 13,1942─April 23,2011 ),從15歲就開始組團,到1965成立了The Outsider,而這個樂團最為知名的一首歌,即是由他與繼兄Chet Kelley合寫,並於1966推出的這首《Time Won't Let Me》,在告示牌百大進榜15週,最高到達第五名,同時也是銷售超過百萬張的金唱片。

1994,Tom King得到了BMI廣播公司獎,得獎原因是這首歌在電台播出超過了四百萬次以上。

「我無法再等下去了......」?其實這首歌讓我想到以前男女交朋友,男方往往會猴急想進一步有親密關係,女方若不願意,男方很可能因無耐心而分手 ( 事實上得逞後離去的比例應該更高 ),這對女生來說,真的是困難的抉擇和考驗。

I can't wait forever
Even though you want me to
I can't wait forever
To know and if you'll be true
Time won't let me
(Oh, no)
Time won't let me
(Oh, no)
Time won't let me
Wait that long
Can't you see
I've waited too long
To love you
To hold you in my arms
Time won't let me
(Oh, no)
Time won't let me
(Oh, no)
Time won't let me
I can't wait forever
Even though you want me to
I can't wait forever
To know and if you'll be true
Time won't let me
(Oh, no)
Time won't let me
(Oh, no)
Time won't let me
Wait that long
It won't let me wait that long
(Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait that long)
It won't let me wait that long
(Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait that long)
Wait, wait, wait, wait that long
Wait, wait, wait, wait that long
Wait, wait, wait, wait that long

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(180)Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(178)Heaven Knows

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