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老歌亂談(577)Solitary Man

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Neil Diamond,1941出生於美國一個猶太家庭。16歲時就對寫歌產生了興趣,後就讀紐約大學醫科,眼看要畢業了,而有一間音樂發行商「Sunbeam」願提供他一個16週的寫歌工作機會,Diamond 因此中斷了學業。事後Diamond 說:『要不是來了這個該死的寫歌的事,我現在可能已經是個醫生了。』

1962,Diamond初試啼聲,和高中同學Jack Parker以二重唱的組合,錄製發行了兩張單曲,但均告失敗。同年稍晚,Diamond與Columbia唱片公司簽約成為獨唱歌手,次年1963發行了一張單曲《At Night》,雖然Billboard給予極佳的評論,但最後仍未能入榜,Columbia也因此與其解約,Diamond只得再回到以寫歌為主的生活。

1965,Diamond所寫的一首《Sunday and Me》,終於打進排行榜前20名,也使他擠進了成功寫歌者的行列。接著他為The Monkees所寫的《I'm a Believer》及《A little Bit Me, A Little Bit You》等,亦成為大熱門曲。之後甚至包含貓王Elvis Presley、Mark Lindsay ( Paul Revere & The Riders樂團的主唱 )、LuLu、Cliff Richard等大牌歌星,都翻唱過他所寫的歌。

1966,Neil Diamond和Bang唱片公司達成交易,發行的首支單曲即是此首之前由他自己所寫的《Solitary Man》( 孤獨的人 ),不僅打進了排行榜 ( # 55 ),也成為了熱門曲,終於使得Neil Diamond由之前的詞曲作家,也擁有了被認可的歌手身份。

此曲曾被多位著名歌手翻唱。2000年,鄉村歌手Johnny Cash的翻唱版,為他奪得了一座「最佳鄉村男歌手」的葛萊美獎。

Melinda was mine 'til the time
That I found her
Holding Jim
And loving him
Then Sue came along, loved me strong
That's what I thought
Ya, me and Sue
But that died too

Don't know that I will
But until I can find me
The girl who'll stay
And won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
Solitary man

I've had it to here
Bein' where love's a small word
Part-time thing
Paper ring
I know it's been done
Havin' one girl who'll loves you
Right or wrong
Weak or strong

Don't know that I will
But until I can find me
The girl who'll stay
And won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
Solitary man

Don't know that I will
But until I can find me
The girl who'll stay
And won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man
Solitary man
Solitary man
Solitary man

台長: 流浪阿狗
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