比利時法語與荷蘭語兩大語區間向來不睦,這次由於荷語政黨與法語政黨圍繞首都布魯塞爾大區行政區劃問題的談判破裂,荷語開放自由黨宣佈退出比利時執政聯盟,總理勒德姆(Yves Leterme)22日向國王艾伯特二世 (King Albert II)遞了辭呈。
比利時總理勒德姆(Yves Leterme)是個了不起的人物,第一次讀到他的新聞是2007年七月,在國慶日唱國歌竟然唱起了馬賽曲(La Marseillaise,法國國歌),而非比利時的國歌(La Brabanconne);而且這為Leterme先生,也不知道自己國加國慶日的由來。當時讀到這個新聞真是耳目一新!(當時的情況是: Leterme在國慶當天要進入教堂做禮拜,記者在大教堂的正門入口處問他國慶日的由來,並請問他是否知道國歌怎麼唱。)當時他還不是總理,只是佛蘭德斯基督教民主黨(Flemish Christian Democrats)的黨魁,下一任總理的熱門人選,因為它的政黨才贏得一個月前的大選。
我好像是在看好戲?或許有一點,因為的確滿好笑的;但是我心裡更加憂慮--台灣有藍綠之爭,泰國是紅衫軍與黃衫軍的對抗,比利時是法語區與荷語區的僵局,甚至美國從小布希上任以來,到現在的歐巴馬,民主與共和兩黨也越向政治光譜的兩側偏移。就更別談杭亭頓(Samuel P. Huntington)所提的文明的衝突了(The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order, 1996)!我們所處的世界似乎越來越加兩極化了(polarized)!難道現在所有的事情的發展都會是M形的嗎?
El conflicto lingüístico entre valones y flamencos hunde al Gobierno belga
El rey Alberto advierte de que la inestabilidad política puede dañar la economía
ANDREU MISSÉ - Bruselas - 23/04/2010

Bélgica se zambulló ayeren una arriesgada crisis político-lingüística que culminó con la presentación de la dimisión del Gobierno del democristiano flamenco Ives Leterme ante el rey Alberto II. El desencadenante inmediato de la crisis fue el abandono de los liberales flamencos del Open VLD delpenta-partito, cuyo Gobierno llevaba sólo cincos meses de vida. (只有五席也不容小覷,是真正的關鍵少數) Letermese vio incapaz de seguir con una mayoría muy ajustada de tan sólo 76 delos 150 diputados de la Cámara y con un equipo muy desequilibradoformado por tres partidos valones (francófonos) y uno sólo de Flandes,(三個法語區政黨與一個荷語區政黨的聯合政府,也的確很不穩定。) el territorio más poblado del país. En esta tesitura optó por presentar su dimisión, que ya es la tercera como jefe de Gobierno, ante Alberto II, quien todavía no la ha aceptado.
Tras recibir a Leterme y al presidente de la Cámara de Diputados, Patrick Dewael, el rey ha iniciado consultas con los líderes de las demás formaciones en unintento de evitar una crisis institucional de consecuencias difíciles de predecir. Bélgica sufre todavía las secuelas de la crisis financiera y económica que se llevó por delante a sus principales instituciones financieras, ahora en manos extranjeras; ha visto aumentar su deuda pública hasta el 96% y un fuerte aumento del paro, que en Bruselas alcanza el 20%. Siguen abiertos otros asuntos importantes como lareforma de las pensiones y del presupuesto. La crisis política adquiere una gravedad añadida al estallar dos meses antes de que Bélgica tenga que asumir la presidencia de turno de la Unión Europea.
Belgium's government brought down by language dispute
Dutch-speaking Liberals quit Cabinet, accusing Francophones of blocking deal to break up voting district
Belgian premier Yves Leterme's government collapsed today after negotiations to resolve a long-simmering dispute between Dutch- and French-speaking politicians over a bilingual voting district broke down.
Dutch-speaking Liberals, one of Leterme's five coalition parties, quit the Cabinet,accusing their Francophone counterparts of blocking a deal to break upthe Brussels-area district the constitutional court ruled illegal in2003.
Leterme offered King Albert the resignation of hisgovernment. The Belgian monarch has not immediately accepted it, but began consultations with key politicians on the way forward. That may take several days, parliament president Patrick Dewael told reporters.
In a statement, the royal palace called a political crisis "inopportune". It said it could harm "Belgium's role in Europe and at an international level" – a reference to fear that the political deadlock could drag into the second half of 2010when Belgium holds the EU's rotating presidency.
That is not anunreasonable fear. Leterme's government took office on 20 March 2008after a political impasse over a similar and related linguistic spatthat lasted a record 194 days.
Linguistic disputes – rooted inhistorical and economic differences – have long dominated politics inthis country of 6.5 million Dutch-speakers and 4 million Francophones.
Belgiumis divided into Dutch- and French-speaking regions, which determines what single language is used on everything from mortgages and traffic signs to election ballots and divorce papers.
In 2003 the constitutional court ruled the bilingual Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde voting district illegal as it violates the separation of Dutch- and French-language regions. It comprises officially bilingual Brussels butalso 20-odd towns in Dutch-speaking Flanders around the capital.
Dutch-speaking politicians have long complained the district lets Francophones – whohave moved from Brussels into Dutch-speaking suburbs – vote forFrench-speaking parties in the capital.
Leterme's alliance of Christian Democrats, Liberals and Socialists – split into Dutch and French-speaking camps – agreed to resolve the voting district issue by Easter 2010, a deadline that was missed, leading to the government's collapse.
"We are the end of our rope," Guy Vanhengel, a FlemishLiberal, said yesterday. "I think that efforts to come to a negotiated settlement are not succeeding."
Belgium has three main regions: Dutch-speaking Flanders in the north, economically-lagging Francophone Wallonia in the south, and officially bilingual – but largely French-speaking – Brussels in the middle. The three regions have in the past 25 years acquired ever more autonomy.
As King Albert met with political leaders at the royal palace, about 15 members of thefar-right Flemish Interest party sang the Flemish anthem and briefly hoisted a banner in the empty parliament chamber. It read: "Time For An Independent Flanders."
Flemish parties want their prosperous partof the country to be even more autonomous, notably by shifting taxesand some social security measures from the federal to the regional level. They also want more self-rule in transport, health, labour market and justice areas.
Francophone parties say enough powers have been devolved since the mid-1980s and accuse Dutch-speakers of trying to cut loose Wallonia, troubled by desolate smoke stack landscapes and an excessive jobless rate.
It is that tense backdrop that feeds the debate over the contentious voting district.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/apr/22/belgium-government-brought-down-language-liberals 執政聯盟垮台 比利時國王壓住總理辭呈
比利時王室22日發布聲明,指國王阿爾貝二世(Albert II)壓住總理勒德姆(Yves Leterme)的辭呈,暫時不予批示。
勒德姆是在說荷蘭語的主要聯盟政黨─荷語自由民主黨(the Flemish liberal Open VLD)脫離執政聯盟,使他所領導的聯合政府垮台後,決定向國王遞出辭呈。
比利時財政部長雷德爾斯(Didier Reynders)說,在荷語自由民主黨脫離執政聯盟後,聯合政府只有總辭一途。
至於荷語自由民主黨脫離執政聯盟的原因,是因為有感於長久以來一直無法解決荷語區及法語區之間的紛爭,充滿挫折後才決定脫離執政聯盟。http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=240115&id=5&id2=2政黨退出聯合內閣 比利時總理請辭20100423 01:42:26
(中央社記者曹宇帆布魯塞爾22日專電)由於荷語系的荷語自由民主黨脫離5黨共組的執政聯盟,比利時總理勒德姆(Yves Leterme)今天向國王艾伯特二世(King Albert II)遞辭呈。
因前總理范宏畢(Herman Van Rompuy)轉任歐洲聯盟理事會主席,勒德姆於去年底接下總理職務。但由於選區劃分爭議難解,5黨聯盟的主要政黨之一荷語自由民主黨(the Flemish liberal Open VLD)退出內閣,勒德姆於是向國王艾伯特二世遞交辭呈。
比利時副總理兼財政部長雷恩德斯(Didier Reynders)則證實勒德姆已請辭。他說,荷語自由民主黨退出聯合政府,勒德姆別無選擇,只得提出辭呈。
比利時全境可分為弗拉芒、瓦隆以及BHV(Brussels-Halle -Vilvoorde)3大選區,其中弗拉芒選區的選民只能票投荷語政黨,瓦隆選區選民只能選擇法語政黨。
The stories were taken from the websites of El País, The Guardian, Radio Taiwan International and The Central News Agency, which were not involved with and did not endorse the production of this blog. The copyright of these stories remain with their respective copyright owners.