在海上游泳「浪」是一項會干擾游泳的重要環境因素,雖然海水浮力大,較好游,但是加上了浪的因素之後,在海裡就不見得比在池子裡好游了。但是也因為浪的關係,海泳也多了幾分趣味。浪來了最好的方法便是鑽到水中避避浪,因為只是要避浪,所以沒必要潛深。如果不避浪,別說被浪給推回來,就是光游在水面上,距離也增加不少。但是只要不避浪的話,基本上就是讓浪給推回來。這淺潛避浪 shallow surface dive 不是甚麼難的技巧,自己在游泳池裡或是遇到浪時,試個幾次就能學會的。請看所引用的影片。有幾點個人的心得:1. 浪是很規律的,所以在過幾道浪以後就應該試著調整自己游泳(水面和水下)的節奏,來配合潛入水中的時機。同時也考慮水下(潛水)調整,包括潛入的深度或是角度、要潛多久等。2. 即便是游自由式,潛入水後不妨改成蛙式,並用「大蛙手」。3. 要潛入水中那一下的划手用力些,用力向下。4. 配合划手,收下巴、(收小腹)身體向前屈,利用划手與地心引力潛入水中。>> shallow surface dive << the technique to rip the wavesWhen you swim in the sea and against the waves, it's very easy to be pushed back by the waves. The best way to swim forward is to avoid those waves by diving underneath. level: intermediate importance: ★★★ difficulty: ★☆☆You do not need to dive deep, but just few feet for you to avoid head-on encounter with waves. PLS refer to the video about how to do it.Personally, I am doing it differently after diving in the water/sea. And this is how I do for your reference.1. Right before the wave comes to me, take a hard stroke with right hand (my strong hand) to enter the water (while keep the opposite hand extended in the front.).2. Slightly tuck you chin, and make use of the momentum of hard stroke to bring me down (submerged).3. When diving underwater, change to breaststroke, pulling both arms completely back to the legs (like first breaststroke pull when submerged) and doing frog kick to surface. Then resume freestyle.How deep should I dive? It depends, it's a series of trail and error in the beginning. If you feel you are still being pushed back by the waves, then you do not dive deep enough; if you feel quite alright, then perhaps try to dive shallower next time to see if you can rip the wave without diving that deep or if you feel comfortable with that, just stick to what you did.article history:updated Jun. 26, 2013 (Chinese version added)finished Jun 6, 2013 (English)
level: intermediate importance: ★★★ difficulty: ★☆☆
updated Jun. 26, 2013 (Chinese version added)finished Jun 6, 2013 (English)