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2004-03-13 08:42:19| 人氣534| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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呵 ~~


吾生也早,當時還沒 CD,音響、音帶由我提供、架設不說,還撈界兼職 Mix 及 DJ,當然選的都是我喜歡的西洋老歌。

在舞會進行約三分之一時,我喜歡放這條中文譯名為《舞伴淚影》的“ Tennessee Waltz ”,讓我那些“ Old Friends ”有機可趁;
等進行到約三分之二時,當然該讓“ Changing Partners ”堂堂登場,以利「橫刀再奪愛」或「乳燕復歸巢」﹝哦!都是 Patti Page 唱的歌!﹞;
到了最後一曲,則宅心仁厚,照顧牆草壁花、怨女曠男,播放延時以利把握最後機會的加長版“ The Last Waltz ”,如泣如訴、如怨如慕,一任旋律流轉不息,倒也顯得離情依依、蕩氣迴腸。

多年之後,早已「我歌月不徊,我舞影蹣跚」,卻意外發現了這首歌的原作者、原作曲,以及另添韻文的 Leonard Cohen --- 原來罪魁禍首,既非那移情別戀的負心女,也非那些橫刀奪愛、所謂「老友」的狐群狗黨,反倒是這美得讓人徘徊低迴的「田納西圓舞曲」。

「田納西圓舞曲」作詞者為 Redd Stewart,作曲為 Pee Wee King,然而本歌卻由 Patti Page 唱紅,而於 1950 年連獲十三週的排行榜冠軍,1965 年更為 Tennessee 州訂為州歌,且傳唱全球迄今不歇,較諸名詩人、名作家之作,實有過之。

除了歌曲中的原有歌詞外,另有三段由 Leonard Cohen 所添、狀似旁白的喃喃低語卻似少為人知,為了凸顯差異,特別將之縮排處理;又最近事繁,無心斟酌字句,為了先睹為快,請容我先以原詩貼版,日後再貼譯文吧。

Tennessee Waltz

Written by Redd Stewart
Composed by Pee Wee King
Verses added by Leonard Cohen
Recorded by Patti Page

I was dancin’ with my darlin’ to the Tennessee Waltz
When an old friend I happened to see,
I introduced him to my darlin’ and while they were dancin’
My friend stole my sweetheart from me.

I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
Now I know just how much I have lost.
Yes, I lost my little darlin’ the night they were playin’
That beautiful Tennessee Waltz.

   Now I wonder how a dance like the Tennessee Waltz
   Could have broken my heart so complete,
   Well I couldn’t blame my darlin’, and who could help fallin’
   In love with my darlin’ so sweet.

   Well it must be the fault of the Tennessee Waltz
   Wish I’d known just how much it would cost,
   But I didn’t see it comin’, it’s all over but the cryin’
   Blame it all on the Tennessee Waltz.

   She goes dancin’ with the darkness to the Tennessee Waltz
   And I feel like I’m falling apart,
   And it’s stronger than drink and it’s deeper than sorrow
   This darkness she left in my heart.

I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
Cause I know just how much I have lost,
Yes I lost my little darlin’ the night they were playin’
That beautiful Tennessee Waltz.

台長: … 沉澱西風 ~☆
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