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               1.  古典教養







                            2.  生命淬鍊








3.  成長備忘




    這些小小的溫暖和美好,是一種「成長的備忘錄」,在長大以後,為我們守護著心裡永遠不會褪色的信念和夢想。知道嘉瑄在高中時,仍然擁抱著文字,繼續紀錄著生命的淬煉和成長,真的很高興,翻讀她這篇〈A Letter To My Future Self〉,寫給未來的自己,忍不住又想起,這是個多麼讓我安心又擔心的孩子啊!

     Have you ever wondered about all thepossibilities that future holds? Have you ever looked at your empty bucket listand prepared yourself for a boring life? Well, I know I haven't. A dull andunchanging life is just not acceptable for me, and up until now, I already have3 tasks assigned to myself in order to own a spectacular and amazing future.Therefore, to make sure that I have stayed on track, I'm going to mail a letteraddressed to the future self as a reminder that I have a dream to fulfill.


Dearfuture self,

      Remember we had a deal about living afantastic life? You may or may not have accomplished some of the tasks by now,therefore, I am here to do a checkup and make sure you have not forgotten yourpromise. To start with, let me remind you about your 13th birthday wish ofclimbing up the statue of liberty with your brother and sister. The last timewe were there, we didn’t have the chance to go up to the top of Lady Liberty,and now is the time to complete the unfinished trip.

      Throwing back to the days we were livingin the US, those memories reminded me of the promise we made to donate toys tocharities on Christmas. Remember how Dad used to pretend to be Santa andsecretly send us gifts on Christmas eve? I still smile at the memory of wakingup with excitement the next morning and racing to check under the Christmastree for presents. Since you are now over the age of receiving presents, it istime to pass on the love and make some magical memories for the children livingin poverty. Remember, giving is always better than receiving.

      Last but not least, it is also time thatyou showed gratitude towards your parents. Mom has always wanted a westernstyle kitchen, for she likes to cook all kinds of delicacies for everyone to enjoy.As for Dad, he has been wanting a brand new Sienna for a long time. With acapacity of 8 people, the car would be able to provide a quality road tripexperience for the family. By granting their wishes, more pleasant memories arebound to made.

      Allin all, make sure the above tasks are completed in the near future. Remember toalways keep a pure heart, and you will travel through the journey of life withrelative ease.

                                                Sincerely, the 14 year old self


      As William Ross once said, “Every mandies, but not every man lives.” This letter would not only be a guide formyself, but would also act as a reminder for those with unfulfilled dreams----- it is time for all of us to take action in owning a future withoutregrets.


How’sthat Europe trip going? If you haven't already found a friend and get the tripplanned, you had better start as soon as possible. Don't forget the deadline ofthat task is when you become 30 years old, and you wouldn't want to miss theperfect timing of traveling abroad, do you?

Travelaround Europe with a friend before 30

Getan admirable job

Donatetoys on Christmas

Goonto the Statue of Liberty with siblings

Getmom a western style kitchen

BuyDad a brand new Sienna

                4.  珍惜美好



    分享嘉瑄這篇〈We seldomthink of what we have, but always what we lack〉,好像也跟著這個從小到大就懂得珍惜美好的孩子,深刻感受到,我們擁有的「此生」,這樣豐富而美好。

    If we go out in the field to do a survey onpeople’s opinion about their current state of life, nine out of ten would tellus that they are not satisfied. They would express their dissatisfaction andeven list out all the things they lack in their lives. Why is that? It isbecause humans are never content. Our constant desire for new things wouldeventually form cavities in our hearts, waiting to be filled.

    As a teenager, we would always compareourselves to others, causing us to feel unbalanced. When a person talks on thephone with the latest version of the rose gold iphone6S, we wouldn’t be able totake our eyes off it. If a guy wearing a brand new pair of Jordan briskly walkpast us, we couldn’t help but stare at it with jealousy. We would wonder why wearen’t the lucky ones to own these fancy accessories.

    However, we seldom think of how much wepossess. The love from families, the support from friends, and theencouragements from peers are all the things surrounding us that we barelynotice or might even take for granted. But have we ever thought about how wewould be like without these spiritual nourishment?

    To us, we will never be pretty enough, richenough, or wise enough. But if we think it through, a high quality materiallife doesn’t necessarily equal to an ideal life. So why not be grateful andcherish what we already have? Fill your heart with gratitude and you will findyour world better than ever.

台長: 夢天使
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