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2007-04-01 14:11:37| 人氣4,169| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【訪肆偶得】Bodegas Beronia Crianza 2003

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【飲酒過量,有礙健康; 肝不好的人,飲酒不過量,也有害健康】

Bodegas Beronia(伯若尼酒莊) 位於上里奧哈(Rioja Alta )邊界上,這個酒莊創始於1973年,但在1982被雪莉酒大廠González Byass併購,自此開始擴大酒廠與葡萄園規模,除了一般里奧哈酒規範的Crianza、Reserva、Gran Reserva等產品外,還發展以Tempranillo的單一葡萄品種酒款。

Bodegas Beronia Crianza的價格大約在6-7英鎊,以Tempranillo(82%)、Garnacha(14%)和Graciano(4%)釀製,台灣的建議售價快到600元,並不算便宜,這次橡木桶四月份以三支一千多的特價方式販售,與正常的國際售價相當,我個人很喜歡里奧哈酒,Crianza應該非常超值的酒款,在木桶中陳年二年後又在瓶中陳年一年,這樣的生產成本也只能賣三、四百多元,難怪里奧哈酒近年來熱賣,但是這也反映里奧哈酒的侷限,長期的低價牽絆住里奧哈酒高價酒的價格表現,這是對消費者而言,應該是件喜事。

An absolutely cracking Rioja. Wonderful fruit extract and integrated vanilla oak. A lush wine with a good leathery cedar wood character to help the balance. £7.69

Ruby red with bluish tones. Clear and bright. Medium intensity. Its beginning is fruity and fresh, with a degree of structure but smooth. Conveys sensations of raspberry and vanilla. Long finish with flavours of toasts, spices and liquorice. £6.73

A wine made from a blend of Tempranillo 82%, Garnacha 14% and Graciano 4% in the Rioja Alta region, it is aged for 6 months in new oak barrels.
This wine has a ruby red colour with bluish tones. The bouquet shows a vanilla aroma over wild fruits, raspberry, blackberry and a touch of cherry, with hints of toasted bread and green spices. The taste in the mouth is fruity and transmits just the correct balance of wood. Well structured, with high-roast, spice and liquorice flavours and a long finish.£96.53 (Bottles Per Case:12)

González Byass集團網站:http://www.gonzalezbyass.com/ing/index3.htm

【飲酒過量,有礙健康; 肝不好的人,飲酒不過量,也有害健康】
橡木桶自行代理商品購買一千元以上,還可以用二百元有找,加購一支B.P.Rothschild Maipo Chardonnay 2006(老婆會唸我,有錢買加購酒,卻不願意買好一點的尿布,居然買比加購酒還便宜的尿布給小朋友用,實在太離譜了!)

An attractive straw yellow with a golden tint, the wine opens on highly typical Chardonnay aromas of super-ripe tropical fruit (mango, banana, passion fruit).
Round and smooth on the palate, with a slightly mineral cast, it reveals full, juicy yellow fruit aromas and flavours reminiscent of peach.
Body and heft combine with refinement and freshness in the harmonious finish, long and expressive, reflecting a perfect marriage of Chardonnay and the best Chilean terroirs.

【飲酒過量,有礙健康; 肝不好的人,飲酒不過量,也有害健康】

台長: 史蒂芬
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全站分類: 美食情報(食記、食譜、飲品)

2007-04-02 23:25:55
2007-04-03 11:19:33
哈 Stephen大哥 請問加購得這瓶 chardonnay值得嗎?因為過幾天想去買三瓶Rioja來嚐嚐,考慮要不要加購中....^^
2007-04-09 21:29:40
2007-04-11 20:51:04
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