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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-06-30 17:50:54

[趣題] dolls.rar 解開所有的壓縮檔吧!

我並曉得如何描述這一題, 但這個檔案就是壓縮檔中有壓縮檔, 總共 2048 個壓縮檔,你的任務就是要將這一個壓縮檔全解開, 最後會有 2048 個 txt 文字檔, 而其中一個是密碼,請你找出密碼!當然先給 dolls.rar 的載點囉ht...

2012-06-30 08:07:51

[PTC] 201206B Tree Balance 動態規劃

Problem BTree BalanceInput le: testdata.inTime limit: 1 secondsProblem DescriptionWe have n nodes, each of them has its node number i and weight wi for thei-th node. We want to construct a binary tre...

2012-06-30 08:00:24

[PTC] 201206E Circular Codes 最小表示法

Problem ECircular CodesInput le: testdata.inTime limit: 10 secondsProblem DescriptionThe Circular Intelligence Agency stores all secret information in the follow-ing circular codes. Each encrypted st...

2012-06-27 21:57:17

[UVA] 585 - Triangles

Triangles It is always very nice to have little brothers or sisters. You can tease them, lock them in the bathroom or put red hot chili in their sandwiches. But there is also a time when all m...

2012-06-27 19:49:37

[UVA][并查集變形] 11987 - Almost Union-Find

Problem A Almost Union-Find I hope you know the beautiful Union-Find structure. In this problem, you're to implement something similar, but not identical. The data structure you need to write...

2012-06-24 08:27:17

[JAVA][Eclipse] Tetris 俄羅斯方塊

Mybattle.jpg方向鍵 上下左右控制空白鍵 直接到底Shift 鍵, 與HOLD交換圖檔的部分可能會失聯, 要的話請留下 Mailhttp:// java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.ActionEve...

2012-06-23 10:59:43

[UVA][矩陣] 10870 - Recurrences

Problem A Recurrences Input: standard input Output: standard output Consider recurrent functions of the following form: f(n) = a1 f(n - 1) + a2 f(n - 2) + a3 f(n - 3) + ... + ad f(n ...

2012-06-23 10:08:48

[UVA][幾何] 10263 - Railway

Problem A: Railway Problem Railway is a broken line of N segments. The problem is to find such a position for the railway station that the distance from it to the given point M is the mini...

2012-06-23 09:10:58

[UVA][幾何] 837 - Light and Transparencies

Light and Transparencies When light traverses a transparent film, some energy is absorbed and the rest is transmitted to other side of the film. The percentage of light that is transmitted ma...

2012-06-22 19:42:52

[UVA] 12416 - Excessive Space Remover

Problem E Excessive Space Remover How do you remove consecutive spaces in a simple editor like notepad in Microsoft Windows? One way is to repeatedly "replace all" two consecutive spaces wit...

2012-06-22 19:20:42

[UVA] 11970 - Lucky Numbers

T— Lucky Numbers Time Limit: 1 sec Memory Limit: 32 MB Every person has its own numbers that he considers lucky. Usually the numbers are fixed like 3 or 7 and do not depend on anything....

2012-06-22 19:07:49

[UVA][BFS] 336 - A Node Too Far

A Node Too Far To avoid the potential problem of network messages (packets) looping around forever inside a network, each message includes a Time To Live (TTL) field. This field contains the numb...

2012-06-22 17:22:15

[UVA] 389 - Basically Speaking

Basically Speaking The Really Neato Calculator Company, Inc. has recently hired your team to help design their Super Neato Model I calculator. As a computer scientist you suggested to the compan...

2012-06-22 17:07:26

[UVA] 343 - What Base Is This?

What Base Is This? In positional notation we know the position of a digit indicates the weight of that digit toward the value of a number. For example, in the base 10 number 362 we know that 2 ...

2012-06-22 16:37:28

[UVA][二分圖圖色] 11080 - Place the Guards

Problem G Place the Guards Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output In the country of Ajabdesh there are some streets and junctions. Each street connects 2 junctions. The king of A...

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