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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-06-22 15:37:56

[C++][OOP] Lab6 仿作練習

C++ 沒有 trim(), Exception class, string.toLowerCase(), 因此必須自己來 !下面代碼讓我學習到了 例外處理 在 C++ 上的使用 !#include <iostream>#include "Calculator.h"using namespace std;int main(){ C...

2012-06-22 12:59:44

[UVA] 713 - Adding Reversed Numbers

Adding Reversed Numbers The Antique Comedians of Malidinesia prefer comedies to tragedies. Unfortunately, most of the ancient plays are tragedies. Therefore the dramatic advisor of ACM has de...

2012-06-22 12:10:21

[UVA][bfs] 924 - Spreading The News

Problem E Spreading the News In a large organization, everyone knows a lot of colleagues. However, friendship relations are kept with only a few of them, to whom news are told. ...

2012-06-22 10:49:49

[C++][OOP] Lab4 仿作練習

代碼很粗糙, 不怎麼會用 new 函數, this 也不怎麼好用了,this 難道不能呼叫 construct method ?super 難道也不能呼叫 construct method ?Java 所提供的 string operator+ 實在太方便了, 整數可以直接變成 string,而在...

2012-06-21 22:09:57

[UVA] 594 - One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians Writing programs that are completely portable across different operating systems, operating system versions and hardware platforms is a challengin...

2012-06-21 16:48:29

[UVA] 10660 - Citizen attention offices

Citizen attention offices The Mayor of a city wants to improve the attentions of the local government to the citizens. For that, five offices to attend to consults will be open in the...

2012-06-21 15:55:24

[UVA] 784 - Maze Exploration

Maze Exploration A maze of rectangular rooms is represented on a two dimensional grid as illustrated in figure 1a. Each point of the grid is represented by a character. The points ...

2012-06-21 15:46:14

[UVA] 11579 - Triangle Trouble

Problem C: Triangle Trouble There is trouble at the triangle factory. The triangle assembler has gone down, so all that has been produced for the day is a bunch of triangle sides. To make the b...

2012-06-21 15:29:01

[UVA][Bitset技巧] 11466 - Largest Prime Divisor

F Largest Prime Divisor Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output All integer numbers are divisible by primes. If a number is divisible by more...

2012-06-21 14:53:01

[UVA] 469 - Wetlands of Florida

Wetlands of Florida A construction company owns a large piece of real estate within the state of Florida. Recently, the company decided to develop this property. Upon inspection of the property,...

2012-06-21 14:34:46

[UVA][并查集] 459 - Graph Connectivity

Graph Connectivity Consider a graph G formed from a large number of nodes connected by edges. G is said to be connected if a path can be found in 0 or more steps between any pair of nodes in G. ...

2012-06-21 14:22:30

[UVA][矩陣 D&C] 12470 - Tribonacci

Problem J. Tribonacci 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89. Got it? Leonardo Pisano Bigollo 13th Century ...

2012-06-20 12:51:12

[JAVA][考題] Binary Search 遞迴版本

教授考了這麼一題, 他沒有明確告訴我們陣列中的值是已經排好的 !沒有 sort 過, 可不能做的, 而且並沒有告訴我們函數的參數, 因此是自由發揮,不過我覺得課本上的寫法很囉唆, 原因在於, 如果 return 的話, 其實後面就不...

2012-06-20 12:33:04

[JavaScript] HTML 輸出練習

1.試撰寫函式 centigrade(f),傳入華氏溫度f,計算並傳回對應的攝氏溫度。轉換公式如下: 攝氏溫度 = (5*華氏溫度-160)/92.請撰寫一個函式在螢幕上顯示一個由星號所構成的實心四方形。其邊長則由整數參數side來指定。...

2012-06-18 19:08:47

[UVA][DP, JAVA] 11375 - Matches

Problem E: Matches We can make digits with matches as shown below: Given N matches, find the number of different numbers representable using the matches. We shall only...

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