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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-08-15 13:04:40

[ZJ][拓樸] d917. 5. 貼磁磚

內容 :   李先生擁有一棟別墅,由於浴室的地板磁磚已經老舊,因此他想要自己動手重新貼上漂亮的磁磚。他開著車子去買正方形磁磚,當他挑選好想要的磁磚後卻不知道如何擺置才好看,於是老闆就配...

2012-08-15 08:13:20

[ZJ] a361. A. 賓果遊戲

內容 :   在整理櫃子的時候,創創和守守發現了一疊賓果卡 (5 × 5 的方格紙上不按順序地印著01 到25 的數字),所以他們還沒整理完櫃子就開始玩起賓果遊戲來了。  創創和守守玩賓果遊戲的方式...

2012-08-14 18:04:45

[ZJ][拓樸] a454: TOI2010 第二題:專案時程

內容 :   通常在開發一個專案時,整個專案會被 分割為許多個項目,並同時分配給多組程式設計師去開發。但這些項目是有順序關係的,只有當順序在前方的項目完成後,才能夠開始開發順序在後方的...

2012-08-14 09:47:10

[ZJ][模擬] a459. An Easy Language

內容 : 在克蘇魯神話(Cthulhu Mythos)中,故事敘述著一群古老而邪惡、偉大的存在──舊日支配者,在上古時代曾經統治地球,而如今卻似死亡般地沉睡,其中名為「克蘇魯(Cthulhu)」的神祇,沉...

2012-07-31 11:36:12

[HTML] 簡易視窗炸彈

同學三不五時就在講他會寫視窗炸彈,真是無聊的炫耀,要寫到高深,我可能倒不會, 我一直覺得那沒有什麼, 語法也不難,主要是 onmouseover 的指令, 滑鼠碰到之後, 執行 window.open() 的指令,至於裡面打的是 javascript 的...

2012-07-23 09:31:34

[Ubuntu] 12.04 初始第一步

首先會遇到最基本的地區語言問題, 但是要安裝插件必須先連接網路,之後在 終端機 (Terminal) 輸入$ sudo apt-get update之後重新開機, 基本上就可以使用中文介面了,接下來會遇到輸入法的問題, 以下的方法可以使用新酷...

2012-07-23 09:22:43

[Ubuntu] 12.04 系統預設字型修改

轉載 http://marsping.blogspot.tw/2012/06/ubuntu_26.htmlLinux己經出一段時間了, 但它的繁體中文和英語體系比起來真的還是弱一點! 尤其是輸入法,目前 Ubuntu內建輸入法是 ibus輸入法, 但用了一段時間了還是...

2012-07-18 15:45:13

[UVA] 227 - Puzzle

Puzzle A children's puzzle that was popular 30 years ago consisted of a 5x5 frame which contained 24 small squares of equal size. A unique letter of the alphabet was printed on each small square....

2012-07-18 14:25:47

[UVA] 255 - Correct Move

Correct Move We have a square board with 64 places, numbered from 0 to 63, see Figure 1. There are two pieces: A king and a queen. The pair of king's place and queen's place is called the state...

2012-07-18 13:40:24

[UVA][Java] 288 - Arithmetic Operations With Large Integers

Arithmetic Operations With Large Integers This problem is about calculations with large numbers. Large means numbers with at most one thousand digits. The operations are limited to addition, subst...

2012-07-18 10:28:56

[UVA] 296 - Safebreaker

Safebreaker We are observing someone playing the game of Mastermind. The object of this game is to find a secret code by intelligent guess work, assisted by some clues. In this case the secret co...

2012-07-18 10:11:25

[UVA][Queue] 144 - Student Grants

Student Grants The Government of Impecunia has decided to discourage tertiary students by making the payments of tertiary grants a long and time-consuming process. Each student is issued a studen...

2012-07-17 11:50:25

[UVA] 11223 - O: dah dah dah!

E. O: dah, dah, dah! Time limit: 1s Morse code is a method for long-distance transmission of textual information without using the usual symbols. Instead information is represented with a si...

2012-07-17 11:08:33

[UVA] 10659 - Fitting Text into Slides

Fitting Text into Slides Background Typical slide presentation programs such as OpenOffice Impress, Kpresenter or PowerPoint are able to fit the text that the user writes i...

2012-07-17 10:32:33

[UVA][耐心] 10554 - Calories from Fat

Problem A: Calories from Fat Fat contains about 9 Calories/g of food energy. Protein, sugar, and starch contain about 4 Calories/g, while alcohol contains about 7 Calories/g. Although many peop...

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