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Alabama authors win ‘the Oscar of children’s books


Updated Feb 03, 2021; Posted Feb 03, 2021


Karim Shamsi-Basha and Irene Latham co-wrote "The Cat Man of Aleppo," a children's book that won the Caldecott Honor for 2021. (Photo courtesy of Karim Shamsi-Basha)


By Michelle Matthews | mmatthews@al.com 


Birmingham-area authors Karim Shamsi-Basha and Irene Latham recently learned that the children’s picture book they wrote together has been named a 2021 Caldecott Honor Book. “The Cat Man of Aleppo” was published in April of 2020 by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, with illustrations by Yuko Shimizu.

伯明罕區作家卡里姆沙希巴夏和艾琳萊瑟姆最近得知他們合著的兒童繪本已獲得2021年凱迪克榮譽獎。《阿勒頗的貓人》 已於2020年4月由G.P.Putnam's Sons出版,清水裕子繪圖。

The book had been well received, earning five-star reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. But then, on a Zoom call, their editor told them it was a Caldecott Honor Book – “like the Oscar of children’s books,” Karim said.


“It’s super-validating and just an honor,” said Irene. “It doesn’t get better than the Newbery or the Caldecott.”


Both awards for children’s literature are presented by the American Library Association. In addition to one Caldecott Medal winner, only four books received the Caldecott Honor Book designation. The winners were announced on Jan. 25.


“It’s by far the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me,” said Karim, a native of Damascus, Syria, who has lived in the United States since 1984. “I never expected anything like this.”


Inspired by a true story, "The Cat Man of Aleppo" is one of only four Caldecott Honor books for 2021. (Photo courtesy of Karim Shamsi-Basha)


The idea for the book came about in 2016, when, while scrolling through Twitter, Irene learned of the big-hearted Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel, who had earned the nickname “Il Gattaro d’Aleppo,” or “the cat man of Aleppo.” When civil war broke out in Syria in 2012, Alaa, who previously worked as an electrician, had a chance to flee the country but chose to stay in his beloved city of Aleppo.

這本書的靈感源於2016年,艾琳在推特上瀏覽時,得知這位大心的穆罕默德.阿拉.阿爾賈里爾,那時他已得到一個綽號「阿勒頗的貓人」(義大利文 "Il Gattaro d’Aleppo" 英文 "the cat man of Aleppo")。2012年敘利亞內戰爆發之前,阿拉是一名電工,他有機會逃離這個國家,但他選擇留在他深愛的城市阿勒頗。

He became an ambulance driver and paramedic as war raged around him. As residents abandoned their pets, Alaa started using what little money he had to buy meat to feed the many stray cats. Eventually, he built a shelter for them that turned into a sanctuary.


Meanwhile, news had spread of his rescue efforts, and people from around the world started helping him achieve his dream of saving as many cats as possible. “In the midst of such horrifying news every day, that news item was so beautiful,” Irene said.


She knew Alaa was the perfect hero for a children’s book – and she knew just who could help her make it happen. “Karim instantly blinked into my mind,” she said. “I knew he would be a wonderful partner.”


When she told Karim her idea, he was immediately interested in helping. He contacted Alaa, speaking to him in Arabic. “We had to let him know we wanted to write about him. He said he would be honored,” said Karim.


Alaa also wrote an introduction to the book, which appears in Arabic and English. “Remember,” he wrote, “both people and animals suffer pain, and all of them deserve compassion. Together we can make the world a better place!”


Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel, known as "the cat man of Aleppo," holds a little girl in his orphanage as they react to the news that the children's book about him won a Caldecott Honor. (Photo courtesy of Karim Shamsi-Basha)被稱為《阿勒頗的貓人》的穆罕默德.阿拉.阿爾賈里爾抱著孤兒院裡的小女孩,對關於他的兒童繪本獲得凱迪克榮譽獎的消息做出回應。(照片由卡里姆沙希巴夏提供)

Their book, “The Cat Man of Aleppo,” was sold to the publisher within 24 hours, and Yuko Shimizu was hired to illustrate it. She spent several months researching Aleppo and making sure she got the details, from head dressings to shoes, correct. “I can’t say enough about Yuko’s illustrations,” said Karim. “She made our story come alive.”


For Karim, sharing something so positive about his native Syria made the book a golden opportunity. “Humanity can exist in the middle of war,” he said. “This guy’s like a saint. He’s just amazing.”


Thanks to worldwide donations, Alaa has relocated the sanctuary, known as Ernesto’s Paradise, to the Syrian-Turkish border. He has built a playground for refugee and orphan children who have known nothing but war throughout their lives. And he uses the rescued animals for pet therapy for the children.


'The Cat Man of Aleppo'

A cat rests on the desk of a child in Alaa's orphanage in Syria. (Photo courtesy of Karim Shamsi-Basha)在敘利亞阿拉的孤兒院裡,一隻貓正趴在一個孩子的桌上休息。(照片由卡里姆沙希巴夏提供)

As soon as the Caldecott award was announced, Karim notified Alaa, who sent photos of children from the orphanage posing with posters of the book’s cover. Alaa has never received an actual copy of the book because mail isn’t allowed into Syria, said Irene. “It’s a dream to get all the kids there a copy. I hope the situation will continue to improve.”


Irene spent a couple of years living in Saudi Arabia as a child and traveled around the world with her family. “It really shaped me,” she said. “I have a huge love for other cultures. I believe so passionately that children need global stories. Syria is so often maligned. This book gives kids an open door to people doing beautiful things.”


“The award is great, and the publicity is great, but I go back to the message that Muslims are human,” said Karim, whose late father was poet laureate of Syria. His mother, sister, and brother still live there, and “life is very, very hard” for them, he said.


Still, Karim tries to look for beauty in everything. “Love is always there,” he said. “All you have to do is look for it.”


For information on how to help Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel’s efforts to help animals and children in Syria, go to https://myevent.com/Alaawork.

如果想了解如何幫助穆罕默德阿拉.阿爾賈里爾和敘利亞的孩子,請到 https://myevent.com/Alaawork.

 本文由蘇荷轉譯  https://www.al.com/life/2021/02/alabama-authors-win-the-oscar-of-childrens-books.html

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