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2015-12-18 20:29:31


  《星際大戰第七部曲:原力覺醒》終於正式上映的第一天。清晨尚未六點,你仍蜷縮在溫暖的被褥中,耳際便朦朦朧朧傳來星戰迷獅小民的絮絮叨叨。 「你知道《原力覺醒》的影評很好嗎?」 「你知道演黑武士的演員...

2015-12-15 18:43:38

【Jog 12092015】God’s Love

The wind kisses a dandelionThe wind dances through rose of Sharon bushesThe wind combs through my hair The sunshine energizes my feetwarms my heart andleads me forwardAll is from God’s love Th...

2015-12-05 12:01:32

【Yoga Practice 12022015】Mountain

Let my hair wake upLet my toes wake up Stand up as a mountainfeeling the clouds around my bodyfeeling the leaves turning red Roll my shouldersOpen my heartClose my eyesListening to the leaves fallfr...

2015-11-26 13:50:25

【Yoga Practice 11202015】Child’s pose

Curl up like a baby in the womb;like a chick-child inside the eggshell. Listening to the deep breathing,letting everything go. Let forehead kiss the earth,taking a restaway from sadness. &hell...

2015-11-21 11:21:05

【Yoga Practice 11182015】Eagle

Keep twisting my arms up to sky;keep twisting my feet down on earthlike a eagle,feeling squirrels on trees;feeling fish in the water. Lower my bodylike a eagle,waiting for a gust of wind,flying throu...

2015-11-14 09:42:39

【Yoga Practice 11112015】 Warrior One

Let all windows opened;Let all brightness and windcome to me. I plant my feet sturdilylike a warrior. My arms stretchabove my head with strength,bidding everyone to fightwithout fear. …&hell...

2015-11-14 09:34:58

【Yoga Practice 11042015】Tree

I grow,grow slowlylike a tree. At every tip of my fingersthere is an eye. I stand tall and straight.My arms stretch above my headreaching for stars. ……………&helli...

2015-11-03 22:41:02


高一時,班上的體育股長是一位身材魁梧的男生。每到午餐時間,他的身旁總是擠滿一大堆同學,虎視眈眈地等著他打開便當蓋的那一刻。 體育股長的便當盒裡,恆常裝著肥美多汁的大雞腿,有時是油炸的,有時是香滷的。...

2015-10-24 12:04:10


闃黑靜寂的房間只看得見一扇月白色的秋意 亮灑灑的小徑從夢的起點延伸張狂幽荒的草纏繞夢的足跡滋長奇幻鬱沉沉的樹順著夢的羽翼舒展瑰麗 闃黑靜寂的房間只剩下一扇月白色的秋意還在等待 Viola, 2015/10/23 ...

2015-10-15 02:10:50


月底獅小民要博士資格考了,為了作最後衝刺,這週他開始在沒課的日子去到學校的圖書館唸書。身為他豬一般的隊友,遂在他衝刺的日子裡,將與他並肩作戰的心意放進便當裡。 南瓜切厚片、杏鮑姑切段、紫洋蔥厚切放入...

2015-10-08 02:27:45


午食:味噌薑燒豬肉丼、茄子田舍煮 將茄子去鬚縱切,並以刀刃耐心輕劃醬紫色的表皮。切段後,置入昆布柴魚高湯,再撒入些許小魚乾風味的高湯粒(若用小魚乾更好);待茄子煮軟,添入黑糖、清酒、味醂和醬油續煮...

2015-10-01 06:22:40

Yoga and Poems

Read a poem before doing yoga. A poem begins my yoga session. *《Twist—yogapoems》, written by Janet S. Wong, artwork by JuliePaschkis, Margaret K. McElderry Books 2007 Viola, 2015/09/30 A...

2015-09-25 04:38:00


之十ㄧ、珊珊(下) 高中時期,工藝課和家政課聯手成了你的心腹大患,於是雙手靈巧的媽媽和珊珊組成了你專屬的手作救火隊。每當你那雙笨拙的手逼得你瀕臨崩潰之際,她們便以翩然之姿降臨,拯救你脫離手作的深淵。...

2015-09-17 05:27:43


之十二、搬家 依照天外飛來的都市計畫,你們有著前院的家,有一日將因道路拓寬而被迫拆除三分之二。爸爸幾經思考,在你高二那年,決定重建出租多年的舊家。 一個剛從媽媽幼稚園畢業的孩子,在與父母出遊的途中...

2015-09-10 06:15:16


暑熱仍盤桓鬱結的傍晚,你開門至小小的陽台摘了幾片紫蘇,想作點兒漬物。陽台上小瓦盆裡的兩株紫蘇,是月宇大廚一家離開奧斯汀時的臨別贈禮。 你一向跟著獅小民稱呼月宇為大廚,不僅僅是因為她的廚藝在奧斯汀的台...

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