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2021-02-21 17:51:44| 人氣27,921| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(1035)There's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop

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這首《There's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis》由歌名來看即饒富趣味。Chip Shop在英國是油炸食品 ( 如炸魚、薯條等 ) 的外賣店,但Works Down ( 或在句中應唸成...works、 down the ...... ) 的意思則不太確定,看來像是在油炸店過去一些的另家店工作?anyway,就是有位老兄發誓自己是「貓王( Elvis Presley ) 」就是了。


此曲是英國女歌手Kirsty MacColl自寫自唱,1981獲得英國排行榜的第14名,之後此曲在美國發行,將「Chip Shop」改成了「Truck Stop」。80年代,Kirsty還算是有幾首熱門曲,但最為轟動的,應是其意外死亡的事件:2000,Kirsty帶著13及15歲的兒子及現任男友赴墨西哥的科蘇梅爾 ( Cozumel ) 島潛水渡假,有一次潛浮在水面時,一艄遊艇向他們疾駛而來,Kirsty為拉救兒子,自己閃避不及,遭遊艇的俥葉擊中當場身亡,享年41歲。官司纏訟多年,當時在遊艇上的墨西哥富商辯稱非為由他駕駛,但仍被判殺人罪2年10個月,卻可易科罰金 ( 約90美元 ) 獲得免關,而Kirsty的家屬也僅獲得約2150美元的賠償金。


現今交友軟體盛行,女生遇到渣男或男蟲的新聞不斷 ( 最近還有冒充是台大醫生的 ),看來渴望愛情的女生或可向歌曲的女主角


Oh darling, why'd you talk so fast?
Another evening just flew past tonight
And now the daybreak's coming in
And I can't win and it ain't right
You tell me all you've done and seen
And all the places you have been without me
Well, I don't really want to know
But I'll stay quiet and then I'll go
And you won't have no cause to think about me
There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
Just like you swore to me that you'd be true
There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
But he's a liar and I'm not sure about you
Oh darling, you're so popular
You were the best thing new in Hicksville
With your mohair suits and foreign shoes
News is you changed your pick-up for a Seville
And now I'm lying here alone
'Cause you're out there on the phone
To some star in New York
I can hear you laughing now
And I can't help feeling that somehow
You don't mean anything you say at all
There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
Just like you swore to me that you'd be true
There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
But he's a liar and I'm not sure about you
There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
Just like you swore to me that you'd be true
There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis
But he's a liar and I'm not sure about you
I said he's a liar and I'm not sure about you
I said he's a liar and I'm not sure about you
He's a liar and I'm not sure about you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1036)Does Your Mother Know
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