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老歌亂談(1034)Polk Salad Annie

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此為美國歌手Tony Joe White於1968所推出自寫自唱的歌曲,成績相當不錯,在告示牌熱門排行榜達到第8名。後,貓王Elvis Presley在1970翻唱此曲,除了讓也喜歡演唱貓王歌曲的White感到莫大的光榮 ( 偶像竟翻唱自己的歌 ),也使得此曲更加的流行開來。

此曲被歸列在「沼澤搖滾 ( swamp rock )」,述說的是美國南方鄉村一個貧窮女孩和她家庭的生活,也是Tony Joe White自己的生活經驗,而Annie只是某些真實人物的代表。Polk 是當地在樹林或田野中可摘得的一種植物,應該就是我們所謂的「野菜」,但若是不懂得料理 ( 好像有說是要先多煮幾次 ),會有中毒喪命的危險,當時應該只有窮人才吃此種Polk Salad吧!也讓他們的心理上深感自卑。


polk 料理,應該是有加蛋。

這也讓我想起5、60年代的台灣生活,其中像是「地瓜」,一般家庭經濟較差的,常會切成細條混著飯一起煮食,吃多了當然會對之排斥。而曾幾何時,「地瓜飯」「地瓜稀飯」成了時髦的「健康食物」,以前鄉下到處都是的「地瓜葉」「鵝仔菜 ( A菜 ) ← 沒錯,當年就是餵鵝吃的菜」,也成了餐桌上的美食佳餚。只是,不知當年吃怕「地瓜籤」的人,現今是吃還是不吃?應該是不喜歡吃吧!呵呵。

2018,Tony Joe White於家中突因心臟病過世,享年75歲。




If some of ya'll never been down south too much
I'm gonna tell you a little bit about this
So that you'll understand what I'm talkin' about
Down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods
And in the fields looks somethin' like a turnip green
And everybody calls it polk salad, polk salad
Used to know a girl lived down there
And she'd go out in the evenings and pick her a mess of it
Carry it home and cook it for supper
'Cause thats about all they had to eat, but they did all right
Down in Louisiana, where the alligators grow so mean
There lived a girl, that I swear to the world
Made the alligators look tame
Polk salad Annie, polk salad Annie
Everybody said it was a shame
Cause her momma was a workin' on the chain gang
(A mean vicious woman)
Everyday ?for supper time, she'd go down by the truck patch
And pick her a mess of polk salad, and carry it home in a tow sack
Polk salad Annie, the gators got your granny
Everybody says it was a shame
Cause her momma was a workin' on the chain gang
(A wretched, spiteful, straight-razor totin' woman
Lord have Mercy, pick a mess of it)
Her daddy was lazy and no count, claimed he had a bad back
All her brothers were fit for was stealin' watermelons
Out of my truck patch
Polk salad Annie, the gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
Cause her momma was a workin' on the chain gang
(Sock a little polk salad to me, you know I need me a mess of it)

台長: 流浪阿狗
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