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老歌亂談(1010)Try To Find Another Man

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The Righteous Brothers ( 正義兄弟 ) 成立於1962,雖然在1964曾擔任英國樂團The Beatles首次美國巡演的開場團體,但由於觀眾急切想看到演唱會的主角,反而希望這些暖場的趕快離開,所以也未能因此而贏得知名度。The Righteous Brothers真正開始發跡,是因某次現場表演時受到鬼才唱片製作人Phil Spector的賞識而簽入其唱片公司,也在同年(1964)以一首《You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'》勇奪美、英排行榜的冠軍,才終於成為「國際級」的合唱團體。

The Righteous Brothers最知名的歌曲應是1965在Phil唱片公司時發行的《Unchained Melody》( 此曲在1990因作為電影《第六感生死戀》的主題曲,又再爆紅一次。),但也因此曲,倆人和Phil之間有了嫌隙,終於導致1966跳槽至另家唱片公司。


Phil Spector這位老兄應該是頗喜歡黑人唱歌的風格,在之前簽約的歌手、團體清一色為黑人,後來甚至還娶了The Ronettes成員之一的Ronnie Bennett為老婆 (1968─1974),婚後藝名Ronnie Spector。The Righteous Brothers雖然為白人合唱團體,卻也喜歡靈魂樂,在與Phil簽約前,曾出過一張專輯《Some Blue-Eyed Soul》(白人唱節奏藍調或靈魂歌曲謂之Blue-Eyed Soul),這也是Phil會找上他們的原因。此首《Try To Find Another Man》即是出於前述專輯,單曲雖未入榜,卻仍受到一些歌手的喜愛及翻唱。

Phil Spector & The Ronettes (最右為Ronnie Spector)

男女剛開始迸出愛的火花時,會覺得一切都是如此的甜蜜和美好。以此曲的男主角來說,5年下來,認為感情大走味,實在是忍受不了而選擇出走,也建議女生去找一個新的愛人。有趣的是,Righteous Brothers後來又重錄此曲,除了節奏稍放緩,也將歌中角色互換,歌名變成了《Try To Find Another Woman》。

I think you better
I think you better try to find another man
Try, try to find one who loves you
And live with you the best you can
Don't start none of that grieving
This time I'm leaving
I'm packin' up my suitcase
Try to find another man

When I first met you
You were such a sweet thing
You meant everything to me
So I took you for my bride
Yeah, in five years, you've changed
And now you never do nothin'
All you ever do is sit around the TV set, feed your fat face
Complain and make my life a complete misery

I think you better
I think you better try to find another man
Try, try to find one who loves you
And live with you the best you can
Don't start none of that grieving
This time I'm leaving
I'm packin' up my suitcase
Try to find another man

From the early hours of the morning
'Til the late hours at night
You keep on naggin' me, baby
And tell them folks, I do nothin' right
Oh, I can't stand it no more
And I'm fed up with the way you been treating me all life
But there's one thing I want you to know before I go
There's lots of [?] in the sea, and I'm gonna give you one
Yes, siree

Oh, I think, I think you better find
You better find
Go out in the street and find a new man
You need a new man, now baby
Get out of my life and stop hangin' to me
Oh-oh, baby
Get out of my life, baby
Yeah, yeah

台長: 流浪阿狗
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