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老歌亂談(876)Do You Love As Good As You Look

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此曲為美國鄉村雙人團體The Bellamy Brothers的專輯《Sons of the Sun》中所另發行的單曲,1981獲得鄉村榜的榜首,也是兄弟倆第4首的鄉村冠軍曲。

The Bellamy Brothers從70年代初即開始走上音樂之路,但發展並不順遂,至1976才發行了第一首單曲《Let Your Love Flow》,卻就拿下了告示牌熱門榜的榜首而一戰成名。但隨即又沉寂下來,雖有歌曲入榜,但成績並不理想,再到三年後的1979才又有第2首冠軍曲的出現。Bellamy兄弟總計有26首鄉村榜前10名的歌曲 ( 其中12首為冠軍曲 ),在80年代紅極一時。唯自1994起,除了2006和Dolly Parton合作的老歌新唱《If I Say You Had a Beautiful Body》,勉強進入排行榜 ( #60 ) 外,其餘的單曲可說是「全軍覆沒」。而難能可貴的是兩兄弟竟未因而散夥,仍繼續四處 ( 含海外 ) 演唱,在歐洲等地唱片的銷售成績也頗豐碩。2013在瑞士發行的專輯大賣,甚至還得到當地頒予的金唱片殊榮。



亂談(583)Send Me A Letter Amanda

Long blonde hair, sky blue eyes
Yeah that well-bred look is easy to recognize
A tailored dress, a fit so fine
And it adds up to the question on my mind

Honey, do you love as good as you look?
Can you satisfy your man, like your body says you can?
Judging from the cover, I'd love to read the book
Honey, do you love as good as you look?

If you could read my mind, you might blush blood-red
But then again you might come over here instead
I see they brought your check and soon you're bound to go
If I don't make my move right now, I may never know

Honey, do you love as good as you look?
Can you satisfy your man, like your body says you can?
Judging from the cover, I'd love to read the book
Honey, do you love as good as you look?

Judging from the cover, I'd love to read the book
Honey, do you love as good as you look?
Honey, do you love as good as you look?...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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2018-10-29 22:45:30
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