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老歌亂談(1227)Sri Lanka My Shangri La

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Jack Jersey是位出生於印尼的荷蘭人,10 (1951)時全家才搬回國生活。年輕時喜歡音樂,曾自組過多個樂團,1970起開始出專輯和單曲,此首《Sri Lanka My Shangri La( 蘭卡的香格里拉 ) Jersey1980所推出的單曲,在荷蘭排行榜獲得第4名的佳績,也是Jersey知名的歌曲之一。

這位Jack老兄有一付天生好嗓  (Presley些相似 ),聽他唱歌,完全不必擔心會有什麼「失音」的情況,只要盡情沉浸在他優美的歌聲中就好。但19851986在他的聲帶上發現了息肉,幾年後,也就是在1988,他被診斷出咽喉部患有惡性腫瘤,經多次手術及放射治療後,每天都要服用包含止痛劑在內的對症藥物,但從未完全康復,9年後 (1997)Jersey因併發症在他妻子的懷中去世,享年55歲。老天爺給予了一個人美好的天賦,卻又毫不留情地從他身上奪走,有時真想不通何以如此,業障乎?命乎?!


Jack Jersey & wife Elly




《Sri Lanka My Shangri La》

You are my Shangri-La
Hidden in the sun
Recalling the land of my roots
When my life began

You are my Shangri-La
From this moment on
Take me away in dreams to the
Place I've been born
Recall all my memories
That nearly have been gone

I say hey

This place I wanna stay
Me and my baby
I'm sure I don't mean maybe today
I say oh

Wish all my old friens would know
I'm almost in heaven

Sri-Lanka so don't let me go
Oh no


《You're Not Gonna See Me Cryin'》

You're not gonna see me crying anymore

You're not gonna see my teardrops that's for sure

You're never gonna hear me knocking on your door

All the memories I keep

I have to cry myself to sleep

So you're not gonna see me crying anymore

You're not gonna see me crying all alone

You're not gonna see me wandering on my own

You're never gonna hear my voice

All the memories I keep

So I have to cry myself to sleep

You're not gonna see me crying all alone

I never realised

?? could have someday

I never thought somebody new would cross your way

Oh you'll be happy wherever you may go

Don't ask me what I'm gonna do

Cause I don't know

You're not gonna see me crying anymore

You're not gonna see my teardrops that's for sure

You're never gonna hear me knocking on your door

All the memories I keep

I have to cry myself to sleep

So you're not gonna see me crying anymore

You're never gonna hear me knocking on your door

All the memories I keep

I have to cry myself to sleep

So you're not gonna see me crying anymore


台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1228)Let It Bleed
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