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老歌亂談(852)You've Really Got a Hold on Me

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1962年某日,Smokey Robinson這位老兄至Motown唱片公司洽商,無意間聽到Sam Cooke的那首《Bring It On Home to Me》,歌曲的大意是,當初愛人離開時覺得毫不在乎,事後卻又殷切盼望愛人能早日回到身邊 ( )。Smokey Robinson因而靈感大發,回到旅館房間後即寫出了此首《You've Really Got a Hold on Me》。

Smokey Robinson是The Miracles合唱團體的主唱,但他的名字也經常單獨被冠在團名之前,由此可見他在團中的份量。此曲於1962由The Miracles錄製發行,但只是作為另首《Happy Landing》的B面。《Happy Landing》打進了地區的排行榜,而一些全國性的DJ,卻偏偏喜歡B面的這首《You've Really Got a Hold on Me》,而當成A面來播放。此曲在告示牌熱門榜闖進了前十名( # 8 ),另在R&B單曲排行榜則搶下了冠軍,唱片的銷售也超過了百萬張。

好歌大家唱,翻唱此曲的知名歌手、樂團眾多,像是The Supremes (
Diana Ross主唱 ) 及The Jackson 5 ( Michael Jackson主唱 ),英國樂團The Small Faces、The Zombies,歌手Rod Stewart、Phil Collins等等。但這些似都抵不上The Beatles的加持,Beatles在1963翻唱此曲,彷彿替此曲貼上了「正字標記」。1998,此曲還被納入了「葛萊美名人堂」。

在愛情的世界裡,明明對方三不五時的會對自己不好,卻像吸鴉片上癮般,就是戒絕不了這段關係 ( 有點像是有「被虐待狂」 )。遇到個性不穩定的情人,真的還是早閃為妙,免得最後鬧出無法挽回的憾事。

亂談(338)Bring It On Home To Me


I don't like you, but I love you
Seems that I'm always thinking of you
Oh, oh, oh, you treat me badly
I love you madly, you really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me, you really got a hold on me, you really got a hold, baby
I don't want you, but I need you
Don't want to kiss you, but I need you
Oh, oh, oh, you do me wrong now
My love is strong now you really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me, you really got a hold on me, you really got a hold, baby
I love you and all I want you to do is just hold me
Hold me, hold me, hold me
I want to leave you, don't want to stay here
Don't want to spend another day here
Oh, oh, oh, I want to split now, I can't quit now
You really got a hold on me, you really got a hold on me, you really got a hold, baby
I love you and all I want you to do is just hold me, please
Hold me, squeeze, hold me, hold me
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me
I said you really got a hold on me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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