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老歌亂談(831)Love Me for What I Am

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在西洋歌曲的各種曲風中,「soft rock」應該是最為討喜的,它揉合了一些鄉村(民謠)、抒情和搖滾,節奏旋律輕快流暢,適合較多人的口味,往往也成為老歌的經典。灰狼Lobo的歌曲,
多半走的就是soft rock的曲風,在70年代風靡了不少台灣的歌友。

台長我曾在之前貼文中提及,倘要選Lobo的No.1歌曲,會選《I'd Love You to Want Me》,但某網友認為《How Can I Tell Her》才是。依據此兩首歌在美國排行榜的成績,前者不僅以第2名大勝後者的第22名,也是Lobo所有歌曲中成績最佳的 ( 可見支持我的看法的人較多?)。而說到Lobo的招牌歌應是他1971的成名之作《Me and You and a Dog Named Boo》。不過,音樂這種東東,見仁見智,各有所好。

此首《Love Me for What I Am》收錄在Lobo 1973的專輯《Calumet》中,單曲竟然只得到美國排行榜的第86名。不過,還不錯聽就是了。在戀愛的過程中,為了對方的喜好而勉強地改變自己,之後又覺得失去了靈魂,希望對方能愛回原來的自己。這也是許多人在婚前拼命的投對方所好,婚後不久則現出了原形,嚴重一些的,恐怕還得離婚收場說!

亂談(131)《 I'd Love You to Want Me》

 亂談(392)《How Can I Tell Her》

I wore the clothes you liked
You said they gave me that look
I even tried to like the food
I know you like to cook
I parted my hair on the left
I carried your arm on the right
I slept late in the morning
And I stayed out late at night.

I can't give any more of my soul away
And still look myself in the mirror everyday
I can't change any more
of what makes me be myself
And still have enough left
not to be somebody else
I'm not demanding as a man
Just asking you - love me for what I am.

I tried hard not to say
the things you don't like to hear
And when to you it was apropos
I nibbled on your ear
I opened the door up for you
I kept my big mouth shut
Well I've been going down
While you've been going up.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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