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老歌亂談(788)Rock 'n' Roll Is King

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此首《Rock 'n' Roll Is King》是英國Electric Light Orchestra ( E L O ) 樂團1983年專輯《Secret Messages》中的歌曲。先來說說這張專輯,原本是預備要出雙專題的,但被發行經銷商CBS唱片公司認為成本太高不好賣而否決,團長Jeff Lynne無奈只能將歌曲刪減。由於專輯推出後,謠傳樂團將要解散,雖然並非實情,但貝士手Kelly Groucutt的確在專輯錄製期間一再缺席,導致團長Jeff Lynne要求他退團 ( 之後Groucutt還因此專輯部份權利金問題告上法庭,最後是以庭外和解收場。)。雖然此專輯在英國排行榜拿下了第4名,但一些的風風雨雨,也因而未替專輯作促銷巡演,專輯名次很快的便跌出了榜外。另一重要的原因,是專輯缺乏暢銷的單曲作支撐,只除了這首《Rock 'n' Roll Is King》成績尚佳,在英、美排行榜分別拿下第13及19名。

許多樂團都是這樣,無論紅或不紅,搞久了就會鬧分手,ELO從1970成立,終於在1986解散 ( 2000─2001一度復合,再於2012又重聚迄今。)。Jeff Lynne才華洋溢,不僅會寫歌,還擔任唱片的製作人。1988與George Harrison、Bob Dylan、Roy Orbison以及Tom Petty合組超級樂隊Traveling Wilburys,可惜因Orbison心臟病猝死,樂團只維持了不到3年。

Jeff Lynne (左二)

Listen everybody let me tell you 'bout the rock 'n' roll
Feel that rhythm and it's really gonna thrill your soul
She said come along with me, to a land of make believe
She said rock 'n' roll is king

She loves that rock 'n' roll and she plays it all night long
That's all she ever tells me when I call her on the telephone
She says feel that jumpin' beat, and git up on your feet
She says rock 'n' roll is king

Oh let those guitars play
Play for me play for me
Oh let that song ring out
That's how it's meant to be

It rolls like a train that's comin' on down the track
She rolled over Beethoven and she gave Tchaikovsky back
She loves that drivin' beat, she goes dancin' on down the street
She said rock 'n' roll is king


When she comes around and I'm listenin' to the radio
She says you can't do that 'cause all I wanna do is rock 'n' roll
Now here I'm gonna stay where that music starts to play
She says rock 'n' roll is king

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(789)Slow Hand
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Electric Light Orchestra有好多作品大量使用弦樂,這首歌反倒是削減許多,果然是Rock 'n' Roll Is King
還有,這首歌一開頭的吉他讓我想到Kenny Loggins在1984年為電影《渾身是勁》所唱的主題曲'Footloose',不曉得Kenny Loggins有沒有參考ELO
2018-01-01 18:48:12
《Hold On Tight to Your Dreams》

《Footloose》之前也貼過,但介紹的是Blake Shelton 2011的版本
2018-01-01 19:48:58
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