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老歌亂談(781)I Can't Help It ( If I'm Still In Love with You )

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此曲為早期鄉村傳奇偶像歌手Hank Williams所寫,並於1951錄唱發行,雖然只是作為另首《Howlin' at The Moon》的B面,而由於歌詞簡單直白,加上深情款款的唱腔,在鄉村單曲排行榜拿下了第2名。

對於Hank Williams,一直印象深刻的是,明明是同作秀時另位小歌手Faron Young帶來正在約會的女友Billie Jean,卻因為自己喜歡而硬搶 ( 甚至還亮槍威脅要對方放棄 ),果然也搶到手成為第二任老婆,但不知是否這位Jean小姐帶衰運,才結婚不到三個月,Hank Williams在新年趕作秀途中死在轎車後座,死因似為心肌梗塞 ( 猜或也有可能是其他原因如吸食毒品過量等 )。縱使抱得美人歸,卻不能天長地久,只能暫時擁有。

Hank Williams & Billie Jean

翻唱此曲的知名歌手也是一大拖拉庫,以下所選為Sue Thompson及Linda Ronstadt的版本。Sue Thompson於1961以一首《Sad Movie》成名後,卻因其酷似小女生的嗓音而無法再作突破。不過,唱一些關於哀怨的情歌,倒頗能獲得聽友的同情與共鳴。Linda Ronstadt則詮釋得有鄉村流行的味道,現場演唱有如此的表現,毫無疑問是實力派的歌手。

Today I passed you on the street

And my heart fell at your feet
I can't help it if I'm still in love with you
Somebody else stood by your side
And he looked so satisfied
I can't help it if I'm still in love with you
A picture from the past came slowly stealin'
As I brushed your arm and walked so close to you
Then suddenly I got that old time feelin'
I can't help it if I'm still in love with you
It's hard to know another's lips will kiss you
And hold you just the way I used to do
Oh, Heaven only knows how much I miss you
I can't help it if I'm still in love with you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(782)Put a Little Love in Your Heart
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(780)Sweet Memories

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