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老歌亂談(771)Doolin Dalton

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1973,老鷹合唱團 ( Eagles ) 出了第二張專輯《Desperado》,主要是以舊西部及一些不法之徒為主題,其中即包含了此首《Doolin Dalton》。此曲為由當時住同棟公寓的Glenn Frey、J.D. Souther、Jackson Browner等三人,及另為Glenn死黨的Don Henley所合寫。

歌曲主要是敘說舊西部時期著名的搶匪「Dalton幫」的故事。顧名思義,Dalton幫主要是由Dalton家三兄弟Grat、Bob及Emmett於1890所組成,之後又有Bill Doolin等一些人的加入,搶劫的目標主要是火車和銀行。1892/10/05,Dalton幫的6人組合去行搶堪薩斯州科菲維爾(Coffeyville)的銀行,可惜當天霉星高照,雖然入城時頗為低調,但還是被人給認了出來,在要出銀行時即已被前後圍住,一陣槍戰之後,包含Grat、Bob Dalton兄弟在內的四人遭擊斃,弟弟Emmett全身共有23處的槍傷卻未死,結果被判處無期徒刑,在關了14年後獲釋。另一位在小巷中顧馬匹的匪徒則逃逸無蹤,Emmett從未說出此人是誰,而一般咸信這第6人即是Bill Doolin。


Emmett Dalton

1892,在Coffeyville槍戰之後,Emmett的另位哥哥William M. Dalton遇見了Bill Doolin,兩人再組搶匪幫,稱作「Doolin-Dalton幫」,但一般均稱之為「Wild Bunch」,繼續從事行搶的行當。1894,William M. Dalton在被圍捕中喪命。Bill Doolin本來偕同妻子躲得好好的,但後來為了利用澡堂來緩解風濕痛,去到了阿肯色州的Eureka Springs,結果還是被追蹤到,1896在澡堂中被散彈槍擊斃。

Bill Doolin遭散彈槍擊斃

Emmett Dalton出獄後寫了本書《When The Daltons Rode》,後還被拍成電影。1937過世,享年66歲。

J.D. Souther有他自己的一套歌詞

上傳者採用的影音內容為1995的電影《The Quick and The Dead》(台譯:致命的快感),由莎朗史東、金‧哈克曼、李奧納多‧狄卡皮歐、羅素‧克洛等主演。

They were duelin', Doolin-Dalton

High or low, it was the same
Easy money and faithless women
Red-eye whiskey for the pain
Go down, Bill Dalton, it must be God's will,
Two brothers lyin' dead in Coffeyville
Two voices call to you from where they stood
Lay down your law books now
They're no damn good
Better keep on movin', Doolin-Dalton
'Til your shadow sets you free
If you're fast, and if you're lucky
You will never see that hangin' tree

Well, the towns lay out across the dusty plains
Like graveyards filled with tombstones, waitin' for the names
And a man could use his back, or use his brains
But some just went stir crazy, Lord, 'cause nothin' ever changed
'Til Bill Doolin met Bill Dalton
He was workin' cheap, just bidin' time
Then he laughed and said,"I'm goin,"
And so he left that peaceful life behind

台長: 流浪阿狗
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