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老歌亂談(757)The Wild Side of Life

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Hank Thompson於1952年所推出,在告示牌鄉村榜停留了長達三個半月,也登上了冠軍的寶座。對Hank Thompson來說,自1949之後,已睽違排行榜有三年之久。

據說,此曲作者之一的William Warren,其寫歌靈感為來自於年輕時在小酒館遇到位比他年長一些的女人,即所謂的honky tonk angel,對於充滿男人的絢爛夜生活似乎難以抗拒。此曲內容大意也是在指說自己的女人不安於室,就想和其他男人鬼混、過放蕩的生活。有趣的是,此曲發行後不到三個月,美國鄉村女歌手Kitty Wells以原旋律重新填詞,推出了「回答歌」 ( answer song ),歌名為《It Wasn't God Who Made The Honky Tonk Angels》,很明確的回應了原曲歌詞中的「I didn't know God made honky tonk angels」,也反擊說男女間有些狀況的發生,其實是男人的行為所先導致。Kitty Wells的這首回答歌,也同樣地在1952的鄉村榜拿下了冠軍。

歌曲好聽,翻唱者就前仆後繼,較知名的有Ray Price ( 1963 ),Freddy Fender ( 1976,#13 ),英國搖滾樂團Status Quo則是將之改編成搖滾版,也在1976進入英國排行榜前10名。而Waylon Jennings和Jessi Colter這對夫妻也沒缺席,他們1981的版本也獲得了第10名。




澳洲樂團M.P.D. Limited 1982合輯中的版本


《The Wild Side of Life》
You wouldn't read my letter if I wrote you
You asked me not to call you on the phone
But there's something I'm wanting to tell you
So I wrote it in the words of this song

I didn't know God made honky tonk angels
I might have known you'd never make a wife
You gave up the only one that ever loved you
And went back to the wild side of life

The glamor of the gay night life has lured you
To the places where the wine and liquor flows
Where you wait to be anybody's baby
And forget the truest love you'll ever know

《It Wasn’t God Who Made The Honky Tonk Angels》
As I sit here tonight the jukebox playing
The tune about the wild side of life
As I listen to the words you are saying
It brings memories when I was a trusting wife

It wasn't God who made Honky Tonk angels
As you said in the words of your song
There's many times married men think they're still single
That has caused many a good girl to go wrong

It's a shame that all the blame is on us women
It's not true that only you men feel the same
From the start most every heart that's ever broken
Was because there always was a man to blame

台長: 流浪阿狗
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