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老歌亂談(741) Ballad Of…

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美國搖滾樂團Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show ( 虎克醫生和草藥秀 ) 當初在取團名時,確實有來自童話《小飛俠彼得潘》中的「 虎克船長 (
Captain Hook ) 」的靈感。由於創團團員Ray Sawyer在1967的一場車禍意外中失去了右眼,之後就一直戴著眼罩,因此被誤認為他就是Dr. Hook ( 有趣的是,童話中的虎克船長既非醫生也未戴眼罩 )。而每當有人問起誰是Dr. Hook時,眾團員都會故意將手指向樂團的巴士司機。不過,樂團於1985解散後,自1988至2015,Ray Sawyer與Nostalgia Circuit樂團巡演時,確實使用了「Dr. Hook featuring Ray Sawyer」的稱號,而此為經過原團主唱Dennis Locorriere ( 可能為團長 ) 的同意授權。

Captain Hook

Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show於1972以《Sylvia's Mother》與《The Cover of Rolling Stone》闖出名號,而之後的數年,每年均保持有歌曲入榜,算是個成績穩定的樂團。

1974,Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show曾發行了一首《The Ballad of Lucy Jordan》( 露西喬丹之歌 ),並未能入榜,卻在1979被英國女歌手Marianne Faithfull給唱紅。此首《Ballad Of...》感覺歌名怪怪的,且易與前曲混淆。但此曲反而為更早發行,收錄於
Dr. Hook1973的專輯《Belly Up》中。或許由於打歌宣傳不力,連許多老美歌友之前都未聽過,其實這是首還不錯聽的歌。

He stands tall in his handmade boots
Pretty little girls all around
Black was the shade of his nudie suit
And when he sang there was not a sound

From state line to Mobile he entertained the crowds
Everybody there knew his name
His climb had started but the road gets harder
When you're closing in on fame

Bright lights shine and the crowd goes wild
"The show won't start 'til y'all calm down"
One pretty little girl stands all alone
And when she cried there was not a sound

For just three days in New Orleans she never left his side
That girl became a woman with her very first man
But to her only lover she was just like all the others
'Til she stood there with that gun in her hand

A shot rang out and the crowd goes wild
A shot rang out and the crowd goes wild
The crowd goes wild
The crowd goes wild
The crowd goes wild
The crowd goes wild

台長: 流浪阿狗
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