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2017-07-04 17:16:41| 人氣2,231| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(728)When The Fallen Angels Fly

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1994,美國鄉村女歌手Patty Loveless出了一張專輯《 When Fallen Angels Fly》,僅在美國就大賣超過100萬張,也獲認證為「白金」唱片。專輯的10首歌中,有4首進入鄉村榜的前10名,而偏偏此首與專輯同名且看來應為主打的歌曲,卻並無佳績表現。此張專輯在1995贏得「美國鄉村音樂協會 ( CMA )」的「年度最佳專輯」獎,也是歷來第3位獲得此獎項的女性。

其實此首《When The Fallen Angels Fly》為另位鄉村男歌手Billy Joe Shaver所寫,並收錄在他1993的專輯《Tramp on Your Street》中。Billy Joe Shaver年輕時在鋸木場工作,不慎失去了他的右手食指和中指,但他仍克服此缺陷努力學習吉他 ( 滿厲害的說 )。不過,這位老兄的脾氣也不是普通的火爆,2007,時年67歲的他在德州的一間「沙龍」,與人發生口角糾紛,結果Shaver竟然以手槍向對方射擊,還好對方只是臉部受傷,並無身命危險,但因此被逮捕及保釋。後辯稱對方有持刀云云,最後被法院裁定為自衛開槍而無罪開釋。

圖片可見Billy Joe Shaver的右手缺少了2根指頭。後立者為其子Eddy Shaver,也是陪伴一起演出的吉他手,而在2000死於服用毒品過量,享年38歲。

Billy Joe Shaver的版本亦出現在2015由勞勃杜瓦 ( Robert Duvall ) 自導自演的電影《Wild Horses》( 台譯:疑雲小鎮 ) 中

I have climbed so many mountains
Just to reach the other side
I near drowned myself in freedom
Just to feed my foolish pride
On my journey through the darkness
I have finally seen the light
I know no one's ever loved me
Like you're loving me tonight

There is something I must tell you
I wonder if you'll understand
How I found such worldly pleasures
In the arms of other men
You should never try to judge me
We have both been wrong and right
But I know no one's ever loved me
Like you're loving me tonight

God will save His fallen angels
And their broken wings He'll mend
When He draws their hearts together
And they learn to love again
All their sins will be forgiven
In the twinkle of an eye
All the saints rejoice in heaven
When the fallen angels fly

God will save His fallen angels
And their broken wings He'll mend
When He draws their hearts together
And they learn to love again
All their sins will be forgiven
In the twinkle of an eye
All the saints rejoice in heaven
When the fallen angels fly
When the fallen angels fly
When the fallen angels fly
All the saints rejoice in heaven
When the fallen angels fly

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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