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2017-05-30 14:58:43| 人氣1,219| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(713)Say Hello

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此曲為 出自Ernie Oldfield 2007的專輯《My Guitar And Me》。

關於Ernie Oldfield這位老兄,背景似頗為神密,不僅在每張唱片封套上的相片都是低著頭,網路上也幾乎查不到什麼資料。據說他是位棄嬰,親生父母的身份不詳,出生年份應為1959,但確切的日期則無從得知。2008,Ernie Oldfield為了尋找其出生地,在德、奧邊界附近不幸因車禍身亡,享年49歲 (?)。由其身後一些音樂的相關事宜,均由奧地利的WIR唱片公司代為處理,故推斷
Ernie Oldfield極也有可能是奧地利人。

影音中為南非的排舞團體Rodeo Girls,真的是跳得很不錯。有無注意到前排最右邊的,看得出來其實還是位小女孩,但配合的動作表現,一點都不輸給其他的大姐姐們。

Lazy Daisy and moody Rudy
Are married since yesterday
Greasy Lizzie and silly Willie
Therefore jealous all the day
Say hello, not see us later
Nice to meet you, not wonder why
Looking forward to be a family
Say hello, not goodbye.
Arty Marty and holy Jolie
Are going from town to town
brainy Lenny and flabby Debbie
they just wonder in their bound
Say hello not see us later
Nice to meet you, not wonder why
Looking forward to be a family
Say hello, not goodbye.
There's no glory and no story
no spirit and nothing done.
There's no meaning, no composition,
A simply song, just for fun.
Say hello not see us later
Nice to meet you, not wonder why
Looking forward to be a family
Say hello, not goodbye.
Say hello not see us later
Nice to meet you, not wonder why
Looking forward to be a family
Say hello, not goodbye.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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