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2017-04-01 19:44:50| 人氣2,128| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(695)Burning Love

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最近HBO每週一在播自製影集《Big Little Lies》( 台譯:美麗心計 ),上週播出的劇情中,因男士們都將要裝扮成「貓王」參加小學的募款活動,其中一位先生就在練習跟唱貓王的這首《Burning Love》。該集的標題也是為「Burning Love」,但應該是和片中各夫妻間的感情糾葛較為相關。

其實這首歌的首錄者是美國黑人歌手Arthur Alexander,收錄在1972以自己名字作為名稱的專輯中。但沒過多久就被貓王Elvis Presley翻唱,歌曲也因而跟著爆紅。貓王從1969的冠軍曲《Suspicious Minds》之後,沉寂了一陣子,此曲再度衝上告示牌熱門榜的亞軍,卻也是貓王在1977過世前,最後一首入榜前10名搖滾曲風的熱門曲。

Wynonna Judd曾和媽媽Naomi共組鄉村音樂二人團體The Judds,Wynonna剛出道時還算是滿漂亮的,而才沒過幾年身形就大走山,不過,歌還是唱得相當不錯。

Lord almighty
I feel my temperature rising
Higher higher
It's burning through to my soul
Girl, girl, girl
You gonna set me on fire
My brain is flaming
I don't know which way to go
Your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir
You light my morning sky
With burning love
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
I feel my temperature rising
Help me, I'm flaming
I must be a hundred and nine
Burning, burning, burning
And nothing can cool me
I just might turn into smoke
But I feel fine
'Cause your kisses lift me higher
Like a sweet song of a choir
And you light my morning sky
With burning love
It's coming closer
The flames are now licking my body
Won't you help me
I feel like I'm slipping away
It's hard to breath
My chest is a heaving
Lord have mercy
I'm burning a hole where I lay
Your kisses lift me higher
Like the sweet song of a choir
You light my morning sky
With burning love
With burning love
I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
A hunk, a hunk of burning love
A hunk, a hunk of burning love
A hunk, a hunk of burning love
A hunk, a hunk of burning love
A hunk, a hunk of burning love

台長: 流浪阿狗
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