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老歌亂談(675)Time Is on My Side

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此曲為Jerry Ragovoy所作,最早是由爵士伸縮喇叭手Kai Winding和他的管弦樂隊於1963錄製發行。由於主要是演奏曲的形式,曲中只有二句歌詞「Time is on my side」「You'll come runnin' back」做為背景合音 ( 合音歌手是惠妮休斯頓的母親Cissy Houston和惠妮的兩位表姐妹 )。

1964,美國靈魂女歌手Irma Thomas翻唱此曲,歌詞由編曲者另找了歌曲作家Jimmy Norman,配合原有的兩句歌詞來組合完成。由於Irma Thomas只將此曲作為B面的副打歌,或因此並未引起什麼大迴響。同樣是在1964,英國滾石樂團也翻唱此曲,卻獲得告示牌排行榜第6名,這是滾石樂團第一首打進美國排行榜前10名的歌曲,別具意義。但對Irma Thomas而言,滾石幾乎完全沿用了她的編曲,甚至包含曲中的口白,而令她感到有些不悅 ( unhappy )。

此曲也出現在1998由丹佐華盛頓 ( Denzel Washington ) 主演的電影《Fallen》( 台譯:暫時停止接觸 ) 中。

Time is on my side, yes it is.
Time is on my side, yes it is.
Now you all were saying that you want to be free
But you'll come runnin' back (I said you would baby),
You'll come runnin' back (like I told you so many times before),
You'll come runnin' back to me.
Time is on my side, yes it is.
Time is on my side, yes it is.
You're searching for good times but just wait and see,
You'll come runnin' back (I said you would darling),
You'll come runnin back (Spent the rest of life with ya baby),
You'll come runnin' back to me.
Go ahead baby, go ahead, go ahead and light up the town!
And baby, do anything your heart desires
Remember, I'll always be around.
And I know, I know like I told you so many times before
You're gonna come back,
Yeah you're going to come back baby
Knockin', knockin' right on my door.
Time is on my side, yes it is.
Time is on my side, yes it is.
'Cause I got the real love, the kind that you need.
You'll come runnin' back (I knew you would one day),
You'll come runnin' back (Baby I told you before),
You'll come runnin' back to me.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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