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老歌亂談(647)Fast As You

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此為美國鄉村歌手Dwight Yoakam自寫自唱,由其1993的專輯《This Time》中另發行的第3首單曲。如同前兩首,《Fast As You》亦拿下告示牌鄉村榜的第2名,且同時打進熱門榜 ( # 70 ) ,此為Dwight Yoakam第2首進入Hot 100 的歌曲,遺憾的是,這也是他迄今在美國最後一首入榜前10名的歌曲。

不過,Dwight Yoakam應該不會因此而太過於沮喪。由他過去的戰績:從80年代起,出超過20張的專輯,其中有5張拿下冠軍,也有30首以上的入榜歌曲。被提名各類音樂獎32次,獲獎7次 ( 2次為葛萊美獎 )。不僅如此,Dwight Yoakam還參與過21部的電影及15次各類的電視演出。由上可見,Dwight Yoakam在歌壇和演藝圈,早已奠立了一定的地位。

Dwight Yoakam曾進入俄亥俄州立大學 ( Ohio State University ) 就讀,但為了發展歌唱事業,只唸了短時間就放棄了。2005,位於西維吉尼亞州的俄亥俄谷大學 ( Ohio Valley University ) 頒給Dwight Yoakam榮譽博士學位 ( 怎麼會是這樣?是替學校打廣告嗎?^^)。

之前從未見過鄉村歌手背Rickenbacker吉他,或許Dwight Yoakam希望這是一首突破鄉村歌曲的流行歌曲。

Maybe someday I'll be strong
Maybe it won't be long
I'll be the one who's tough, yeah
You'll be the one who's got it rough

It won't be long
And maybe I'll be real strong

Maybe I'll do things right
Maybe I'll start tonight
You'll learn to cry like me, girl
Baby, let's just wait and see

Maybe I'll start tonight
And do things right

You'll control me, oh, so boldly
Rule me 'til I'm free
The pain that shakes me finally makes me
Get up off of my knees
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Maybe I'll be fast as you
Maybe I'll break hearts too
But I think that you'll slow down
When your turn to hurt comes around

Maybe I'll break hearts
And be as fast as you, uh

You'll control me, oh, so boldly
Rule me 'til I'm free
The pain that shakes me finally makes me
Get up off of my knees

Maybe I'll be fast as you
Maybe I'll break hearts too
I think that you'll slow down
When your turn to hurt comes around

Maybe I'll break hearts
And be as fast as you
Maybe I'll break hearts
And be as fast as you

Oh, sucker

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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