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老歌亂談(1079) ( Marie's the Name ) His Latest Flame

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此曲由美國歌手Del Shannon最先錄唱,收錄於其1961的專輯《Runaway with Del Shannon》中,並未發行單曲。貓王Elvis Presley亦於同年推出其版本,採用的是Bo Diddley式的節奏,在告示牌Hot 100排行榜獲得第4名;在英國發行的雙A面單曲 ( 與另首《Little Sister》),則是拿下冠軍。而此曲的riff ( 歌曲中一段簡短重覆的旋律 ),之後也被英國樂團Smokie引用在歌曲《Don't Play Your Rock'n'Roll to Me》中。


Bo Diddley與他著名的雪茄盒造型吉他



說是介紹這首歌,其實重點是在影音中的Shuffle舞,看青春少女們跳這種舞,會有佩服之感 ( 恐要練上一陣子吧!),來看維基對Shuffle舞的說明:

墨爾本曳步舞(英語:Melbourne shuffle),又稱鬼步舞,是一種拖著腳走的舞步,動作快速有力,音樂強悍有震撼力,舞蹈充滿動感活力,極具現場渲染力,有著非凡的飄逸感。

20世紀80年代興起於澳大利亞墨爾本一些地下舞場,其個性的舞步加上強勁的音樂以及個性的服裝(螢光褲),極其吸引人眼光。 1992年,在海外其他地區舞蹈名字混亂,這年澳大利亞人開始將此舞蹈稱呼為Shuffle,由此名字被確定下來。 2002年12月,澳大利亞一家報紙在頭版講解了,這是Shuffle首次出現在主流媒體,之後就流行到馬來西亞和汶萊(在這兩個國家有Shuffle比賽)後傳播到英國、德國、泰國等國家。藉助於網際網路(Internet)、網絡媒體YouTube等在世界範圍內流行開來。 2005年,出版有DVD專題紀錄片介紹墨爾本曳步舞。 2008年9月6號,澳大利亞媒體network10報導Shuffle這種硬派風格舞蹈(HSD:Hard Style Dance)。 2008年11月,「So You Think You Can Shuffle」舞蹈秀在YouTube上展開。 2009年「So You Think You Can Shuffle」舞蹈秀粉絲聚會、比賽圍繞在澳大利亞和德國等國展開。


影音中穿橘色服黑褲和貓王套跳舞的女子,是被稱為「女貓王」的安 瑪格麗特( Ann Margret )。

A very old friend came by today
'Cause he was telling everyone in town
Of the love that he just found
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
He talked and talked and I heard him say
That she had the longest, blackest hair
The prettiest green eyes anywhere
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
Though I smiled, the tears inside were burning
I wished him luck and then he said goodbye
He was gone but still his words kept returning
What else was there for me to do but cry?
Would you believe that yesterday
This girl was in my arms and swore to me
She'd be mine eternally
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
Though I smiled, the tears inside were a-burning
I wished him luck and then he said goodbye
He was gone but still his words kept returning
What else was there for me to do but cry?
Would you believe that yesterday
This girl was in my arms and swore to me
She'd be mine eternally
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
Yeah, Marie's the name of his latest flame
Oh, Marie's the name of his latest flame
And Marie's the name of his latest flame

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1078)Always Remember Us This Way

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