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老歌亂談(605)(You're My)Soul and Inspiration

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說到The Righteous Brothers ( 正義兄弟 ) 這個雙人組合團體,通常都會立刻想到他們最知名的歌曲 --《Unchained Melody》。其實這是首老歌翻唱,1965發行時也只是B面的墊底歌,熟料卻受到眾多電台DJ的青睞,而衝上了排行榜的第4名 ( 以致引發了該曲的製作人之爭,甚至可能是造成和Phil Spector分手的原因之一。),而該曲在1990受到電影《Ghost》( 台譯:第六感生死戀 ) 的推波助瀾,又再暴紅了一次。

The Righteous Brothers的兩位老兄,原都是The Paramours合唱團的成員,可惜一直未有好成績而致團體解散 ( 1962─1963),倆人決定另組成二重唱繼續打拼。之後出了12首的單曲,但其中只有兩首成績算是中等。1964,他們甚至擔任披頭合唱團首度赴美巡迴演唱的暖場,而知名度仍未完全打開。同年,The Righteous Brothers參加一場在舊金山的作秀表演,其中也包含了知名製作人Phil Spector旗下的黑人女子團體The Ronettes,坐在台下的Phil Spector對The Righteous Brothers的表現印象甚深,之後與其原簽約公司達成協議,改由他的唱片公司負責他們在美、加及英國等地的唱片發行。

其實,The Righteous Brothers之前的曲風,是偏向所謂的「Blue-Eyes-Soul」(他們有一首《Trying To Find Another Man》還不錯聽。),為此,Phil Spector特別找人為他們寫歌。1964年11月,在Phil Spector的製作下推出了《You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'》,至1965攀升到了排行榜的冠軍,這首歌也應算是The Righteous Brothers的成名曲。

1966,The Righteous Brothers與Phil Spector關係決裂,另簽入米高梅唱片公司旗下 ( 而米高梅為此付出了60萬美金的訴訟賠償给Phil Spector ),為了不負新東家繳出好成績,兄弟倆想起了替他們寫《You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'》的詞曲作家,當時也提出另一首尚未完成的《Soul and Inspiration》,但由於兩首歌的曲風相近,而被Phil Spector給打槍。

1966,《Soul and Inspiration》獲得告示牌排行榜的冠軍 ( 全年度第三 ),也是The Righteous Brothers離開Phil Spector後的首支冠軍曲。而很明顯的,此曲也學用了Phil Spector獨特所謂「Wall of Sound」的音效手法。

Girl, I can't let you do this
Let you walk away
Girl, how can I live through this
When you're all I wake up for each day?

Baby, you're my soul and my heart's inspiration
You're all I've got to get me by
You're my soul and my heart's inspiration
Without you baby, what good am I?

I never had much goin'
But at least I had you
How can you walk out knowin'
I ain't got nothin' left if you do?

Baby, you're my soul and my heart's inspiration
You're all I've got to get me by
You're my soul and my heart's inspiration
Without you baby, what good am I, oh what good am I?

Baby, I can't make it withoutcha.
And I'm, I'm tellin' ya, honey-you're my
reason for laughin', for cryin', for livin', and for dyin'.

Baby, I can't make it without you
Please, I'm begging you baby
If you go it will kill me
I swear it, Dear, my love can't bear it

You're my soul and my heart's inspiration
You're all I've got to get me by
You're my soul and my heart's inspiration
Without you baby, what good am I, what good am I?

Mm-mm-mm Mm-mm-mm

台長: 流浪阿狗
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