美國樂團Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show有許多的歌曲都是出自於詞曲作家Shel Silverstein之手,像之前曾介紹過的《Sylia's Mother》( 西薇雅的媽媽 )。這首《The Ballad of Lucy Jordan》( 露西喬丹之歌 ) 也是,但卻是在Dr. Hook發行此曲5年之後,於1979被英國女歌手Marianne Faithfull給唱紅的。
Marianne Faithfull原只是個唱民謠的小歌手。1964,由於參加了滾石樂團的午餐派對,被滾石樂團的製作人相中,接著推出了由樂團主唱Mick Jagger和吉他手Keith Richards合寫的《As Tears Go By》,在英國排行榜達到了第9名,一舉成為了知名的歌手。1965年5月,Marianne Faithfull嫁給了和她一起參加滾石派對的John Dunbar。同年11月,Faithfull生下了一個兒子,卻在1966離開丈夫,投向了Mick Jagger的懷抱,開始了一段公開的親密關係,直至1970。
Jagger & Faithfull
結束了和Mick Jagge的關係,Marianne Faithfull不僅失去了兒子的監護權,並由於毒品成癮,甚至一度還以倫敦的街道為家,嚴重的喉炎也因持續的藥物濫用而造成了永久性的傷害 --- 沙啞及之前的高音唱不上去,歌唱事業如螺旋般的墜落。
1979,Marianne Faithfull推出了她的第7張專輯《Broken English》,走的是新浪潮搖滾曲風 ( 而其中也包含了像是龐克、藍調和雷鬼 ),結果備受好評,也是自她1965的第一張專輯之後,再度入榜美國專輯排行榜。專輯中的這首《The Ballad of Lucy Jordan》也成為她歷來入榜成績最佳的歌曲。
歌曲述說的是一位中產階級37歲的家庭主婦,由於長期處於如紡錘般的生活,感覺曾經的夢想完全破滅,由憂鬱而至發狂,甚至在街上裸奔喊叫,最後爬上自家的屋頂。對於歌曲的結局,有些人認為是跳樓自殺 ( 尊重生命,請撥打電話1995 ),而Marianne Faithfull則認為大家曲解了,她說Lucy Jordan最後是被消防員救下屋頂,並被救護車載往了精神病院。
Marianne Faithfull的版本也曾出現在1991的電影《Thelma & Louise》( 台譯:末日狂花 ) 中。【開眼電影】簡介該片是公路電影的代表作,也是女性主義的經典電影之一。
翻唱此曲的歌手也頗多,其中也包括了Bobby Bare。Nicki Gillis 在2007的翻唱版也不錯聽,就一併貼上了。
The morning sun touched lightly on
The eyes of Lucy Jordan
In a white suburban bedroom
In a white suburban town
And she lay there 'neath the covers
Dreaming of a thousand lovers
'Til the world turned to orange
And the room went spinning round
At the age of thirty seven
She realized she'd never ride
Through Paris in a sports car
With the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing
And she sat there softly singing
Little nursery rhymes she'd memorized
In her Daddy's easy chair
Her husband, he's off to work
And the kids are off to school
And there were oh so many ways
For her to spend her days
She could clean the house for hours
Or rearrange the flowers
Or run naked through the shady street
Screaming all the way
At the age of thirty seven
She realized she'd never ride
Through Paris in a sports car
With the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing
As she sat there softly singing
Pretty nursery rhymes she'd memorized
In her Daddy's easy chair
The evening sun touched gently on
The eyes of Lucy Jordan
On the rooftop where she climbed
When all the laughter grew too loud
And she bowed and curtsied to the man
Who reached and offered her his hand
And he led her down to the long white car that waited past the crowd
At the age of thirty seven
She knew she'd found forever
As she rode along through Paris
With the warm wind in her hair