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2016-05-06 15:04:45| 人氣1,392| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(573)Talkin' To Myself Again

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Tammy Wynette在18歲時與首任丈夫結婚,之後生了三個女兒,由於小女兒得了「脊髓膜炎」,Wynette為了想多賺一些生活費,利用晚上登台表演,但她的先生並不支持她企圖要成為鄉村歌星的夢想。1966,Wynette離婚後帶著三個女兒搬到鄉村音樂之都─田納西州的納許維爾(Nashville),之後以一首試唱曲《Apartment No. 9》獲得唱片製作人Billy Sherrill的賞識,自此展開其鄉村音樂之途,並博得了「鄉村音樂第一夫人」的美譽。

Tammy Wynette共結過5次婚,第三任丈夫也是在鄉村音樂界赫赫有名的George Jones ( 倆人有一個女兒 )。1998,55歲的 Wynette被發現死在家中的躺椅上,她的私人醫生說是死於肺部的血栓,但她的三個女兒對此死因存疑,認為母親原本好好的,有可能是醫生錯誤的治療所造成,也懷疑媽媽第五任的丈夫「有所隱情」。告官之後法院只能再開棺驗屍,最後官方宣佈的死因為「心律失常」。

Tammy Wynette的歌曲,許多都是圍繞在孤寂、失婚、生活艱困或是情感糾葛這類主題上打轉,當然也是因為她的嗓音,詮釋這類歌曲特別到位。此首《Talkin' To Myself Again》為其1987專輯《Higher Ground》中的歌曲,單曲雖只獲鄉村榜第16名,而仍不失為一首佳作。

再來看一段關於 Wynette的八卦資料:

Although Reynolds said breaking up with Dinah Shore was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life; Tammy Wynette's biography Tammy Wynette: Tragic Country Queen (2010) relates a story told by her good friend Loretta Lynn, that Wynette was seeing Burt while he was still in his relationship with Dinah. Shore died in 1994 at age 77.

Burt Reynolds就是影星畢‧雷諾斯,Dinah Shore是他的老婆,而Loretta Lynn也是位著名的鄉村女歌手。縱使只能做Burt Reynolds的地下情人,恐怕不只是Wynette,也會有其他女生願意的吧!

Burt Reynolds


Good mornin' darlin'
Can I bring you some coffee in bed
Did you sleep well
We got a full day ahead
I love you too dear
I love you too

Talkin' to myself again
Ever since he left that's how it's been
Goin' crazy playin' just pretend
That everything is still OK
Talkin' to myself again
Without his lovin' I am at loose ends
If I'm not careful they will have to send somebody to lock me away

Good night honey
Sure had a beautiful day
Ain't we lucky to have each other this way
I'm so happy too dear
So happy too

Talkin' to myself again
Ever since he left that's how it's been
Goin' crazy playin' just pretend
That everything is still OK
Talkin' to myself again
Without his lovin' I am at loose ends
If I'm not careful they will have to send someone to lock me away
Talkin' to myself again

台長: 流浪阿狗
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