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2015-08-08 14:19:18| 人氣2,101| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(474)Jude In Disguise(With Glasses)

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在歌唱界,靠模仿成名歌星或樂團,也不失為創造知名度的快速捷徑。這首《Jude In Disguise ( With Glasses )》的歌名,顯然就是直接取材自披頭合唱團1967的歌曲《Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds》,事實果然有效,此曲在1968登上了告示牌熱門100排行榜的冠軍寶座。

據寫歌兼主唱這首歌的John Fred接受訪談時說,在前一首《Agnes English》小獲成功之後,他開始蒐集下一首歌的題材。某次在佛羅里達演唱時,看到群眾中有位戴著老式大型太陽眼鏡的少女,被一位男士推擠了一下,少女因此摘下了眼鏡數秒鐘。他心想,對了!這也算是某種的偽裝 ( disguise )。

John Fred曾遇到寫《Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds》的John Lennon,Lennon認為這是一首很棒的歌,同時告訴他心中的第一個想法,就是回到家後要寫一首名為《Froggy in a Pond with Spectacles》( 池塘中戴著眼鏡的青蛙?) 的歌。

此曲為John Fred & His Playboy Band樂團最為知名的暢銷曲。John Fred外型高大陽光,是路易斯安那州立大學棒球及籃球隊的明星球員,後來還回鄉擔任高中球隊的教練。而讓人意外的是他的健康情況並不如其外表,2004他接受換腎手術,而術後狀況不佳,並在2005過世,僅享年63歲。

John Fred & His Playboys Band

Judy in disguise, well that's what you are
Lemonade pies with a brand new car
Cantaloupe eyes come to me tonight
Judy in disguise, with glasses

Keep a-wearing your bracelets and your new rara
Cross your hear-yah-with your live in bra
Chimney sweep sparrow with guise
Judy in disguise, with glasses

Come to me tonight, come to me tonight
Taking everything in sight
Except for the strings on my kite

Judy in disguise, hey that's what you are
Lemonade pie, hey got your brand new car
Cantaloupe eyes come to me tonight
Judy in disguise, with glasses

Come to me tonight, come to me tonight
Taking everything in sight, except for the strings to my kite

(Oh, uh oh, uhhh)
Judy in disguise, what you aiming for
A circus of a-horrors, yea yea, well that's what you are
You made me a life of ashes
I guess I'll just take your glasses

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(473)Mama He's Crazy

To be honest, these glasses look pretty great, don't they just? And I guess I've developed even more of a liking for them after my visit to www.jlsportglasses.com/sports-sunglasses/
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2023-05-27 18:27:43
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