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老歌亂談(468)I'll Meet You Halfway

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The Partridge Family ( 鷓鴣家庭 ) 是美國ABC電視於1970開始播放每週一集的音樂情境連續劇,台灣的電視台後來也有播,但譯名為「歡樂滿人間」。故事開始是單親媽媽幫自己的幾個小孩,在家裡的車庫錄了一首歌,後經由一位經理的協助,這首歌竟然闖入了排行榜前40名,然後就開始了巡迴演唱,劇情也由此展開。

在The Partridge Family中較為顯眼的是飾演媽媽角色的Shirley Jones和飾演大兒子的David Cassidy了,有趣的是,倆人在戲外還真的是母子。Shirley Jones在David Cassidy六歲時 ( 1956 ) 嫁給了他的爸爸Jack Cassidy,而成為了他的繼母。The Partridge Family在1974停播,前後四年共出了8張專輯,而該團體最為著名的歌曲應該是1970由David Cassidy主唱的《I Think I Love You》,獲得了排行榜的冠軍。此首《I'll Meet You Halfway》則是在1971的熱門100排行榜獲得第9名。

David Cassidy因為在連續劇中的演出,成為了家喻戶曉的青少年偶像。後仍繼續從事歌曲演唱,但除了1972的一首《Cherish》成績較佳外 ( # 9 ),並未能替自己在歌唱事業上再創高峰。

Will there come a day, you and I can say
We can finally see each other?
Will there come a time, we can find the time
To reach out for one another?
We've been travelin' in circles such a long, long time
Tryin' to say hello, ho
And we can just let it ride
But you're someone that I'd like to get to know
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
There must be some way to get it together
And if there's some way, I know that some day
We just might work it out forever
Will there come a day, you and I can say
We can finally see each other?
Will there come a time, we can find the time
To reach out for one another?
We've been travelin' in circles such a long, long time
Tryin' to say hello, ho
And we can just let it ride
But you're someone that I'd like to get to know
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
There must be some way to get it together
And if there's some way, I know that some day
We just might work it out forever
Will there come a day when you and I can say
We can finally see each other?
Will there come a time when we can find the time
To reach out for one another?
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(469)Make It With You
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(467)Baby I Love You(重編)

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