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2015-05-07 17:09:24| 人氣4,609| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(436)No Time

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前幾天在電影台看了一部《The Best Offer》( 台譯:寂寞拍賣師 ),看到結尾才驚覺之前的情節處處暗藏伏筆且環環相扣,不由得對編導的手法給予大力拍掌。人性總是藏有弱點,過於自信的精明,更易被自己所蒙蔽,是所謂的聰明反被聰明誤。再,英雄難過美人關,似乎也成了亙古迄今不變的鐵律。這是我近年來難得見到的佳作好片。片尾,男主角走進一家掛滿鐘錶齒輪的餐廳---Night and Day,看到這般的場景,同時也讓我想到了這首《No Time》。

Night and Day餐廳

此曲為加拿大樂團The Guess Who的吉他手Randy Bachman及主唱Burton Cummings所作,收錄於該團1969發行的專輯中,但在次年1970又重錄製及發行,也是目前大眾所較熟知的版本。此版本於1970獲得加拿大排行榜的冠軍,單曲的銷售量超過了百萬張,在美國亦得到了第5名的佳績。

許多人認為這是一首分手或是拒絕交往的歌曲,但據說寫歌者Randy曾告訴朋友,某次在加州等待和其他人會合時,聽到旁邊有兩個年青人在對話,因當時尚在越戰,其中一個說想要設法逃兵。另一個則說他下個月即將滿18歲,在收到兵單前也沒剩下多少時間了……,此成為了他寫這首歌的靈感來源。歌詞中的「Killing Floor」,通常指的是動物的屠宰間、屠宰樓層,而有些人認為此處是在影射「越南戰場」。許多歌曲都是這樣,寫歌者故意讓歌詞意思隱曖不清,或許如此,才會有各自解讀和想像空間的樂趣吧!

(No time left for you) On my way to better things
(No time left for you) I found myself some wings
(No time left for you) Distant roads are callin' me
(No time left for you)

No time for a gentle rain
No time for my watch and chain
No time for revolving doors
No time for the killin' floor
No time for the killin' floor
There's no time left for you
No time left for you

(No time left for you) On my way to better things
(No time left for you) I found myself some wings
(No time left for you) Distant roads are callin' me
(No time left for you)

No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you

(No time left for you) On my way to better things
(No time left for you) I found myself some wings
(No time left for you) Distant roads are callin' me
(No time left for you)

No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you

No time, no time, no time, no time
No time, no time, no time, no time
I got, got, got, got no time
I got, got, got, got no time
I got, got, got, got no time
No-no-no, no-no-no, no time
No-no-no, no-no-no, no time
I got, got, got, got no time
No-no-no, no-no-no, no-no-no,
No-no-no, no-no-no, no-no-no, no time
I got no time, got no time, got no time, got no time, got no time
Got no time, got no time

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(435)Love Grows ( Where My Rosemary Goes )


2015-05-09 12:39:10


2015-05-09 18:50:33
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